Six Guns: Volume Two

Six Guns: Volume Two by Sara V. Zook

Book: Six Guns: Volume Two by Sara V. Zook Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara V. Zook
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sidewalk in Haven. So this is what it felt like to be on top of the world. I shoved my hands in my long brown coat pockets and continued a steady pace. I was going to grab some coffee at my favorite place before opening up the boutique for the day.
    The sides of the street were already crowded with people on their way to work. I loved the busyness of the City, the brisk, cold air going into my nostrils as I walked. I put my head down for a moment as a chilly blast of wind whipped around me as I tucked my hands even further down into my pockets.
    “Lilah? Lilah Cross?”
    At the mention of my name, my head shot up. Mere inches in front of me stood Robert Simeon. He was looking even more handsome than the last time I saw him and he wore casual clothes of jeans, and a white dress shirt covered by a tan jacket. He smiled as if giving me a moment to recall who he was. I would never forget a face like that.
    “Robert, hi,” I breathed out, giving him a return smile. “Business downtown again?”
    His eyes looked me up and down just as they’d done before. Again, I was sure I turned crimson. It annoyed me that he had that effect on me, and it was almost too cold to stop and make small talk.
    “Something like that,” he replied. “Where you headed?”
    I pointed just up the block. “Coffee shop.”
    He nodded as if in complete understanding. “I could use some of that, too. Can I walk you there?”
    “Yeah, sure.”
    We walked side by side. I was too intensely aware of his presence beside me. I also knew who was sure to be behind me—Stan.
    Robert opened the door to the coffee shop. Immediately I was greeted with warm air and the fragrant smell of caffeine at its finest.
    “How did opening day go for Cain Designs?” Robert asked.
    “Wow,” I said.
    He cocked his head to the side. “What?”
    I gave him a small smile. “You remembered the name of my store.”
    “Of course. How could I forget? I can’t wait to get some time to shop there.”
    Robert Simeon was a nice man. I couldn’t tell if he was just this friendly or trying to flirt with me. He probably was just a friendly guy, I decided, after giving it a moment to bounce back and forth in my brain. A friendly guy who liked expensive suits.
    “Opening day was…great.” I removed my hands from my pockets as they were now beginning to thaw. “And every day after that has been just as great. I’m very happy with the location and the customers I’ve been getting in there.”
    “I’m very glad to hear that.” Robert’s eyes lingered on mine as half of his mouth curled up into a wicked grin.
    I looked away as the door behind us swung open. In strolled Stan along with another wintery blast of frosty air. He walked up to me and immediately eyed up Robert. I was sure they recognized each other.
    “What’s going on here?” Stan asked as he removed his hat, revealing unkempt hair underneath.
    “Nothing,” I snapped. “We’re getting coffee.”
    “Did you tell him to meet you here?” Stan asked, gesturing toward Robert.
    I glared at Nicky’s cousin. Disrespectful little pest he was. “We just ran into each other outside, not that it’s any concern of yours,” I hissed his way.
    “Oh, it is my concern, Lilah. You’re my concern.”
    Stan acted like he owned me. I had to have another talk with Nicky about this shit. This was ridiculous. I couldn’t even have a conversation with someone without him interfering.
    “Go away, Stan,” I screamed at a whisper.
    “No can do.” He leaned against the wall and crossed his arms.
    “Asshole,” I mumbled. “Go outside.”
    “Too cold.”
    “Then go stand across the room. I don’t care where, just give me some space.” I hadn’t been facing Robert this whole time, but somehow I figured he’d heard every little tidbit of what was just said between me and my loathed shadow. I could only imagine what he must be thinking. It seemed like I was always bound to make a complete idiot of myself in front of

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