Siobhan's Beat

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Book: Siobhan's Beat by Marianne Evans Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marianne Evans
Tags: Christian fiction
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Douglas Dance Academy was just that—her heartbeat, the end result of her passion for dance. Hands neatly folded, she sat behind the desk in her office. Before her were assembled the half dozen or so executives; meanwhile, AJ, Liam, and her friends stood behind her in a straightforward and indisputable display of solidarity and support. Admittedly ruthless about the vantage point of the reps from Zion and Ganneton, Siobhan made sure they faced that impressive canvas of her debut at Carnegie. Prideful, perhaps, but a point needed to be made.
    AJ spoke first. “I’m the doctor who oversaw her hospital stay, and I’ve also been actively engaged in her progress through recovery. I can state with complete confidence that Siobhan Douglas will be fit to perform as soon as—”
    “Those are the key words, Doctor Cooper. Will be .” Cameron’s cut in was accompanied by a lifted hand and a steely-eyed stare. “Let’s be blunt. While we feel nothing but remorse over the unavoidable set of circumstances that lead to this meeting, we also need to evaluate the upcoming tour based not on emotion, but honesty. Not a single person in this room doubts Ms. Douglas’s ability to recover in full. No one here doubts her ability on stage. What comes into question is her ability to embrace the timing we require.”
    The muscles in Siobhan’s shoulders went tight. The point couldn’t be argued.
    “We appreciate the strength of your endorsement, Doctor Cooper.” Siobhan’s attention bounced to Dan Ruthenbeck, CEO of Zion’s Peak Records. He was Liam’s boss and the visionary behind the label. “But like Cam indicates, this matter is complex and urgent in nature. We need fresh videos of Siobhan dancing in accompaniment to one of the releases. Additionally, touring is a grueling endeavor under optimum conditions, so we need to discover—”
    “I might interject here that recovery and rehab are grueling endeavors as well, sir.” Siobhan shot the words like carefully aimed bullets. In deference to professionalism, her tone remained neutral, but she hoped her eyes sparked with a level of conviction she felt clear to her soul.
    “Furthermore, she continues to execute her recovery regimen with wholehearted determination.” Leave it to Liam to edge forward—to protect and defend.
    Siobhan’s heart swelled.
    “She’s developing as quickly and as strongly as any professional athlete because she is an athlete.”
    “I couldn’t agree more with that analogy.” AJ’s statement punched a decisive note of authority into the argument.
    “Understood, gentlemen, but allow me to reiterate, this is a multi-million dollar investment.” Cameron Franklin proved relentless. “This is a full-court press. It’s going to be brutal physically. It’s going to be a night in and night out marathon, performing in city after city. Plus, it’s the songs—the vocalization and music people respond to, not so much the dancing. We need to study Siobhan’s case in terms of practicality. Frankly, I don’t think she’s strong enough for that degree of intensity right now, and I have the feeling potential backers will feel the same way. After all, she doesn’t even sing, and other dancers could—”
    Struck low, Siobhan wasn’t a bit surprised by the soft gasps that came from Aileen, Kassidy, and Maeve following that belittling series of comments.
    “Mr. Franklin, I have a question for you.” Aileen performed a sharp interjection. “What drives the life that lives in our body?” The tour exec shrugged, lost. “The beat of the heart. That’s what Siobhan Douglas brings to our group and our performances. You’re correct when you so blithely observe that she doesn’t sing a note. Siobhan would be the first to admit she can’t carry a tune. But the energy, the vibrant flow of her dance moves warms the stage and guides us. Siobhan provides stunning visuals. She pumps a unique fuel and vibration into each song we sing. Like the beat of a heart,

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