Siobhan's Beat

Siobhan's Beat by Marianne Evans Page A

Book: Siobhan's Beat by Marianne Evans Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marianne Evans
Tags: Christian fiction
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Well, think about it. How else would you have met him? Oh, sure, he lives in Westerville, and your paths could have crossed just like they did at the grocery store, but most likely you would have just smiled, nodded, and exchanged a glance. Maybe you would have felt a twinge—a silent, hopeful urge—but I’ll bet nothing more would have come of it.”
    Siobhan huffed, growled then collapsed in an overdone bit of drama, sinking onto a deep, comfy cushion of the couch. Sunlight poured into the room through sheers that covered the expansive, floor to ceiling window in the living area of Aileen’s apartment.
    “You’ve asked how goodness could come from the trials you’ve endured.” Finished wearing a path in the floorboards, Aileen joined her, folding against the side of the couch and tucking in her legs. “Seems to me like AJ just might be the answer. God brought you together. God brought a connection to life.”
    From our bleakest points, God brings joy.
    AJ’s observation came back to Siobhan. Aileen was right.
    That didn’t mean Siobhan had to admit it easily, though. “Ailee, your romantic imaginings are running away with you. I barely know the guy, and you’ve got delusions of grandeur.”
    “Really? Am I that far off the mark?” She shrugged delicately. “Sounds to me like you’ve spent considerable time of late getting to ‘know-the-guy.’ And, excuse me, but aren’t the two of you sharing dinner and a movie tonight as well?”
    “That’s not even the point.” Siobhan gulped.
    “Oh. OK. Then you have all my apologies.” Aileen’s smirk cut all kind of holes into Siobhan’s worthless attempts at refusing a burgeoning truth. Like it or not, her heart was falling into the hands of AJ Cooper.
    “You didn’t used to be so cruel.”
    Aileen reacted to that snipe by giving a snort and another pretty little shrug.
    “Know what, Ailee? I’m a mess.” Siobhan croaked the words. “He makes my throat go dry. He makes me shiver. I don’t have the time or energy for…for him… for romance ! No. I just can’t let it happen. I need to focus. I need to recover. I need to dance with my three best friends!” The timbre of her voice escalated with each decree.
    “Hmm. Do I detect even more sparks and spice? He has completely gotten under your skin. I love him already.” Aileen reached across the space between them and caught Siobhan’s hand to deliver a squeeze. “And I rejoice that at least something besides the upcoming power meeting has your pulse firing. You’re not quite able to be the twirling little pixie at the moment, but you’re well on your way back, and you certainly are lively. Remind me to thank Doctor Wonderful for all he’s done. On a number of levels.”

    Siobhan’s small office brimmed to overflowing. Teams representing three separate factions, gathered to witness her audition. There were reps from Ganneton Productions, Zion’s Peak Records, and of course, her entire Sisters contingent.
    “Miss Douglas, first of all, let me hasten to assure we’re investors, not physicians. We’re only here, asking this of you, because the tour being established by Zion’s Peak needs to happen ASAP. Additionally, this venture requires a sizeable influx of capital. I know that might sound crass and unfeeling, but it’s not meant to. Today’s meeting is about the determination of realistic goals and expectations.”
    Sure, it was . Siobhan nodded politely at Cameron Franklin, the designated spokesman for Ganneton Productions. She didn’t smile, nor did she cow-tow or overcompensate her position by being too solicitous or inauthentic. This episode defined the word uncomfortable, and everyone in the room understood that fact. Why act phony and pretend everything was normal? In truth, she wanted nothing more than for this interlude to end.
    Home court advantage.
    AJ’s astute observation from a while back helped strengthen Siobhan’s resolve and still her nerves. The

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