Sinners On Tour 01 Backstage Pass

Sinners On Tour 01 Backstage Pass by Olivia Cunning

Book: Sinners On Tour 01 Backstage Pass by Olivia Cunning Read Free Book Online
Authors: Olivia Cunning
tight body. Feel her warmth around him and the slightly painful dig of her fingertips into his upper arms. Smel her skin, her sweat, her sex. Hear nothing but those maddening little sounds she made. Taste her lips. He placed a finger under her chin and claimed her mouth, plunging his tongue into her mouth. So sweet.
    The series of chords repeated in his head.
    He tore his mouth from hers and looked down into her eyes. “Say my name,” he whispered.
    He could stil hear the music. “Louder.”
    Not loud enough. He’d make her scream it. Her cries would drown out the music.
    He picked her up off the dresser, stil impaled by his cock, and carried her to the bed. He tumbled onto the bed with her, driving himself deep. Her back arched and she made that sound that grabbed him by the bal s. He pounded into her, ground against her clit, and then withdrew completely. She cried out in protest.
    “What do you want, baby?” he whispered into her ear. “Tel me.”
    “Your cock. Take me hard, Brian. Please.”
    “I’m sorry. I can’t hear you. What do you want me to do?”
    “Hard! Fuck me hard, Brian!”
    Yeah, that’s it. He could barely hear the riff now. He slid into her body slowly. “Like this?”
    He slid out slowly. “You want me to pul out?”
    She slapped him hard across the face. He flinched, his cheek stinging. He was too stunned to respond at first. She grabbed a handful of his hair.
    “I said to fuck me! Did you hear that?”
    Oh, he’d heard her. He’d fuck her until she begged him to stop.
    He took her hard, fast and deep. She was screaming his name now, “Yes, Brian. Yes!” but it was no use. The music consumed him. Her body convulsed beneath him, the muscles inside her tightening around his cock in hard spasms. He leaned away from her enough to find her clit with his fingertips. He stroked her persistently as she came, her pussy sucking at his cock in a maddening fashion. The chords playing through his mind sucked at him almost as maddeningly.
    “Brian, you’ve got to stop,” she panted. “Please, I can’t take any more.”
    He moved his hand away and she relaxed slightly. He grinned wickedly and stroked her clit again. Harder and faster this time, as he continued to drive his cock into her. Her entire body shook uncontrol ably.
    “Oh God. Oh God!”
    “Yes?” He bit her earlobe. “I’m going to keep you here, coming repeatedly, until I let go. Is that okay with you?”
    He stopped moving his fingers so she could think wel enough to respond.
    “Please, stop,” she gasped. “Oh. Oh. Don’t stop. Never stop. Never.” She shuddered violently again. “Oh God, you have to stop.”
    He paused, letting her catch her breath.
    “There’s got to be a compromise in there somewhere.” His fingers stroked her mercilessly again.
    The solo struck him as her pussy clenched around him in another orgasm and she writhed beneath him in ecstasy. Damn. He couldn’t pretend to ignore the music anymore.
    “You’re not going to believe this,” he murmured.
    She blinked at him as if he’d asked her to define the meaning of life, and then she seemed to drift back to her senses. “You’re hearing music again?”
    “Yeah. And… it’s a bal ad.”
    “You need to slow down?”
    “I think I can tolerate it, if you can.” She chuckled tiredly, her body limp beneath him.
    He sighed and pul ed out before col ecting a pad of hotel stationary and a pen from a round table near the window. He climbed back on top of her. He set the paper on her shoulder, uncapped the pen with his teeth and jotted the first few notes down. He couldn’t hear the music when he wasn’t inside his lovely Myrna, so he slid into her body and concentrated on the sounds in his head while he fil ed her body with slow, steady strokes.
    He was scarcely aware of her soft sighs, as the notes seemed to appear by magic, just like before. It turned out he was writing a series of

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