Sinful Pleasures
hole, easing the lubrication into her ass so the insertion would be comfortable. Driven by the pressure of his finger, she felt it coming, the orgasm that built and flowed within her even as the pain of her discipline stung her flesh with red-hot anger.
    “Oh, damn,” she cried out as her body crested a wave of gratification. When she gave the first jerk of her orgasm, Morgan pinched her nipples and
’s fingers parted her ass, shoving the butt plug gently into her body until it could go no farther. The sensation was so utterly intense she couldn’t help herself from crying tears of release as she rode wave after wave of a climax so sweet it stole her breath.
    When her body stopped shaking, Morgan gently lifted her off his lap, drawing her close to place an urgent kiss on her lips. “We’ll be back after our shift, and this time I’m going to fuck you while you give
a blow job like the one you gave me.”
    Tears still glistened on Jude’s cheeks from the intensity of her orgasm, and
wiped them away, rubbing his thumb over her bottom lip. “I’ll be thinking about you all afternoon, Jude, and about this beautiful mouth of yours.”
    “I’ll be thinking about you, and Morgan, too.” Jude looked at them a little desperately. “This isn’t like me to be so needy. What are you two doing to me?”
    “We’re teaching you what pleasure is. Now get dressed, darlin’,” Morgan said. “We’ve got to get back to the station, and the door will be unlocked when we leave.”
    * * * *
    Jude dressed carefully, gingerly pulling her jeans up over the tender cheeks of her ass. She could feel the toy invading her as she finished dressing and walked to the stairs.
    Can I sit down comfortably? she wondered.
    Larger than the other plug, this one made her feel full and touched something pleasantly sensitive inside her body. The sensation felt forbidden and erotic, making her wonder what it would feel like to have both men inside her at once.
    Walking down the stairs reminded her of the spanking she had received. Her ass protested the rub of her jeans as she maneuvered the steep narrow steps. Why were the two men so adamant she follow their every instruction? Did they really believe she wouldn’t do what she thought best for herself? Or was it a control thing? Maybe it was a male thing, needing to dominate the woman, sort of like caveman mentality, except Jude found herself being turned on by their macho display. It was a mystery to her. She couldn’t understand herself, let alone comprehend the men’s motivations in this sensual game of dominance.
    With a feeling of surrender, Jude made her way back to the computer. She would look at the new products available from her favorite wholesaler and see if any Internet sales needed to be filled and shipped. Maybe that would take her mind off the self-analyzing she couldn’t seem to stop. Until now, Jude thought she knew herself quite well, but obviously, she had a hidden side that had decided to come out and play. It would take a while before she felt comfortable with this new person she found within herself.
    The phone rang, and Jude picked it up, thankful to have the distraction. “Sinful Pleasures.”
    “You’re the one that’s sinful,” a breathy male voice said. “A whore. You need to leave Parrish. We don’t need a pornography shop in our town, Jude Wheeler. If you don’t leave, bad things will happen to you.”
    Jude took the phone away from her ear and looked at it. Who the hell did this creep think he was? Still holding the receiver at a distance, she gave him her standard answer for crackpots before dropping the handset onto the cradle.
    “Thank you for calling. We appreciate your business.”
    She could still hear the man talking as the phone clattered down, disconnecting him in midsentence. It wasn’t the first call she received that threatened her or told her she was sinful. She had been subjected to insults, threats, and long-winded

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