Sinful Magic
and yanked her into the car. “Hey!” She screamed as she was dragged across seats and the door slammed behind her.
    She twisted and fought, kicking the door with her sandals. A hand grabbed the back of her neck, shoved her face into the leather seat. “Got you now, Roxy.”
    It was Mack! She could barely drag in any air with her nose and mouth smashed into the seat. Something cold was pressed against the side of her neck.
    Oh God. Where was her bodyguard? Why wasn’t he doing something? She was being kidnapped! She redoubled her efforts to twist and fight.
    A sudden buzz, and the pain shot through her. Her body twitched and jerked and then
    Key paced in his room. The bloodlust was rising, filling his veins like the burn of acid. He had his laptop opened on his dresser. Darcy MacAlister said, “I’m still waiting to see if anyone in Circle Witches has a way to repress the attraction between a fertility witch and her Awakening. But didn’t you say the schema had color?”
    Turning, he met Darcy’s brown gaze on the screen. “Yes, a thin outline of emerald green and faint watery sweeps of blue and green.” He’d wanted so desperately to touch that mark. It was the source of Roxy’s pain and he’d intuitively known he could turn that pain to pleasure.
    “It’s starting. Her schema already recognizes you and is coming to life. The power is probably rising in her chakras, filling them. We’d be trying to repress a magic that’s already begun working. Much harder.”
    Key’s drawing hand began to twitch, but he ignored it and focused on Darcy. “We—” The ringing of his cell interrupted him. Pulling the BlackBerry out, he looked at the screen and saw it was Phoenix. “What?”
    “Got Tyler here with me. The kid saw Roxy get yanked into a black SUV, her suitcase left behind.” Fury quieted Phoenix’s voice to soft death. “I’m on my way to the car. Meet me out front.” He hung up.
    Key’s anger went hot, and the dragon shifted on his chest, the spiked tail scraping his skin. Liam was behind this, he was sure of it. Kieran had drawn it.
    His head filled with images of all those years ago when he’d come home to find Vivian cut and screaming at the hands of his brother. Now Roxy. His chest burned with rage. She was his! He’d drawn her, he’d touched her, kissed her.
    He looked at Darcy on the screen. “Tell Axel—”
    “He’s on the phone with Phoenix. Go, find her!”
    Key shut the laptop and ran to the door. Urgency pounded through him as he bypassed the elevator, ran for the stairs, and raced down the eight floors. Going at the inhuman hunter speed, he hit the ground floor and made it out the door in seconds. Phoenix’s powerful Mustang GT rumbled at the curb. Ailish stood next to the car, holding the door open. Tyler was next to her and turned to look at Key with big eyes and a pale face. Holding out a sheet of paper, he said, “Sketched this and I saw the three-one-seven and the letter J from the license plate.”
    He grabbed it and saw the side and back of a Cadillac Escalade, black with chrome wheels, and the partial license plate. As desperate as he was to get moving, he put his hand on Tyler’s shoulder. “Thanks.”
    Tyler said, “You’ll save her, I know you will.”
    The boy’s earnestness redoubled his determination. He nodded once and slid into the backseat, and Ailish got into the front and closed the door. Phoenix floored it and shot the car out onto Las Vegas Boulevard, heading north.
    Phoenix drove like he did everything else, hard and fast. His profile was rigid, his dark eyes hidden behind his shades. “Sutton’s hacking into the news cameras on light poles or on traffic signals to see if he can spot the SUV and partial license.” He wove around traffic and pedestrians. It was early afternoon; people milled around in slow motion in the glaring sunlight. The strip came alive after dark.
    Sutton’s voice came through the speakers. “Found them heading left on Bedazzled.”
    Phoenix raced past Desert Inn, then past

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