Sin and Sacrifice
from any of
    “ We're looking for them,
Miss Grant.” He reached out to touch her shoulder reassuringly.
“The second we know something, Rhett or I will tell
    The fresh tension sliding
through her frame eased at his reassurance, even if she wasn't
convinced her sisters were safe. “Thanks, Christian. I think I'm
going to go try and get some sleep.”
    “ That's a good idea.
Things might get hectic in Cairo.” Pulling a soft pack from the
front pocket of his coat, he shook free another cigarette and lit
it with a lighter tucked into the plastic lining.
    With a grateful smile,
refusing to worry about what might happen in Egypt, Evelyn headed
for her stateroom.
    Dusk settled over the
architectural wonders of Port Said in an orange film of muted
light. High spires, swooping arches and arabesque shapes made a
stunning silhouette against the encroaching evening.
    Rhett used his body to
forge a path through the sea of humanity, marching them away from
the busy harbor into the busier city. It almost felt like they were
salmon, swimming upstream against an impossible current. An entity
unto itself, the crowd milled and swarmed in all directions. One
second she was beset by the stench of strong body odor, the next a
sickening smell of over ripe perfume clogged her senses. Long robes
lapped at the ankles of women who kept their gaze down while brazen
tourists paused in the most inappropriate places for
    She caught Rhett checking
on her often with quick, sidelong glances. Carrying his bag in one
hand, he wore a jacket over his shirt to hide the holster packed
with guns. Christian came behind, sandwiching her between them.
They made an effective wall that moved her forward at all costs.
Never back, never straying off to the side. Ahead, deeper into the
flux, until it was hard to tell where one body began and another
one ended.
    The decibel level felt like
they were standing directly in front of a tower of speakers at a
rock concert, the very air trembling with noise. Evelyn hunched her
shoulders up toward her ears, an inadequate barrier against the
din. She never remembered it being this loud on any prior trips to
Egypt. It grew worse when Rhett turned them down a narrow pathway
between buildings. Vendors, set up on each side, hawked their wares
with shouts and gestures, pausing to haggle with tourists and
natives alike. The goods ranged from soda in bottles, stacked
precariously like pyramids, to culture rich clothing hanging from
eaves and jewelry that clinked prettily together in the dry, arid
breeze. It was an explosion of color, sparkling glass, carts and
teetering piles of hand-painted goods arranged to draw the
    Any other time, she would
have loved to wander the market, sampling food, purchasing trinkets
and collectibles to take home. Just now, she concentrated on being
Rhett's shadow, reaching out to touch his elbow or side when
someone sliced their way between them. Christian lurked close at
her back, a steady presence to help keep her on track and in sight
at all times.
    Rhett took hold of her hand
when they were halfway through the market, towing her to the right
between two stalls. A dome shaped archway, cut into the wall of the
building, led them into a shadowy alcove straight to a door that he
pulled open to admit her.
    Stepping inside, letting go
of his hand, she glanced around. Ahead, through a hallway, she
could see the side of what looked to be a foyer and front desk. A
dark haired man stood behind it, tending to guests signing in for
the night. On her right was a broad set of stairs leading up and it
was there Rhett motioned.
    “ This way. Go on up. Three
    “ But don't you need a
key?” she asked, using the banister to start the ascent.
    “ I've got it taken care
of.” Rhett and Christian paced behind her all the way to the third
floor. Charming little lamps provided light down the hallway when
they got there, accenting the Mediterranean décor and

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