Silent Revenge

Silent Revenge by Laura Landon

Book: Silent Revenge by Laura Landon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Landon
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance
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took a deep breath. “Please, my lord. You go first.”
    Dear God, but it was hard to speak such blatant truths while looking someone directly in the eye. Especially truths he knew would hurt. Truths that would cause her pain.
    “I do not mean to be cruel or hurt you intentionally,” Simon said bluntly, “but my reason for marrying you is to save my inheritance. I can offer you no emotional attachment.”
    The proud, determined woman sitting opposite him lifted the corners of her mouth in a gentle smile. “You do not need to fear that I will ever expect there to be any emotional attachment from our marriage. I understand our union to be a marriage of convenience and nothing more. You will have my inheritance as a dowry, and I will have your name as protection. You have not offended me, my lord.” She tipped her head to the side. “Is there anything more?”
    “Yes. One other requirement.”
    “You will always be faithful to only me and will never bring disgrace to the name I give you.”
    Her gaze few to her hands in her lap, and a blush flooded her cheeks. “Of course, my lord,” she whispered.
    Her head slowly lifted, and Simon could tell how hard it was to look him in the eyes. Her sigh quivered in the silence.
    “Is there anything else?” she asked.
    “No.” Simon crossed his arms over his chest. “Do you have any demands?”
    “Yes. I have three.”
    Simon raised his eyebrows. “And they are?”
    He watched her take a deep breath. “I did not lie to you when I said the money means nothing to me,” she said softly. “And I promise I will never make any undue demands on you. But I want your promise in writing that you will never have me committed to an asylum.”
    He sat forward. Fury erupted from deep within him. “Why the bloody hell do you think I would marry you if not to protect you from your stepbrother and keep you out of an asylum? Do you think I am equally as heartless?”
    She did not blink an eye. “I would have your promise in writing before I agree to become your wife.”
    Dear God, she did. He could see her determination. “Then you will have it.”
    She breathed a sigh of relief. “I would also like there to be a small house somewhere nearby deeded in my name alone. Something simple. The size is not important.”
    Simon rose to his feet in front of her. “You will not live anywhere other than under my roof, Miss Stanton. I will not allow it. Is that understood?” Simon couldn’t keep the anger out of his voice. Not that she’d notice, of course.
    The defiant lift to her shoulders said she understood but did not like what he’d said. “I only want to own it as a guarantee that I will always have a place to call my own. Something no one can take from me.”
    Simon felt his anger abate. He could not imagine having the enormous wealth she had, yet feeling so vulnerable and insecure. “I know of three town houses in London that are currently available. They are all in good repair and located nearby. We will tour them in the next few days, and you can choose which house you would like put in your name. My solicitor will take care of all the details.”
    “Thank you, my lord.”
    “And the third request?”
    “I would like a monthly allowance.”
    Simon could not stop the grin from covering his face. He knew the money would come in here somewhere. Even though she’d denied it meant anything to her, he’d known she’d been lying. There wasn’t a woman alive who did not crave wealth. “Of course. And how much of your fortune would you like a month?”
    She released a deep breath. “Fifteen pounds.”
    “What?” He hadn’t heard her right. He thought she’d asked for only fifteen pounds.
    She chewed her lower lip nervously and then lifted her chin defiantly. “Fifteen pounds,” she repeated.
    He stared at her and knew the confusion on his face was easy to read. The woman was worth more than the both of them would ever be able to spend, and she was bargaining with him for a

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