Silent Daughter 3: Owned
to Sandria.
    “It was nice seeing you again.”
    She puts on a fake smile and nods. “It was good to see you, too, Mr. Clark.”
    I cast them one last smile and turn to William and his wife to repeat this silly goodbye ritual. What a nuisance. If it weren’t for all that redundant protocol, I could have been out of here more than twenty minutes ago.
    I am on edge by the time I finally get to my car. Liz has been by herself for too long. I hope she is sleeping.
    The short drive drags on for an eternity, leaving too much time for me to worry. What worries me most is not the thought of her escaping or destroying anything in an attempt to do so.
    What worries me is her wellbeing. Would she feel lonely? Desperate? Scared? I like her scared, but only to a certain degree.
    Would she miss me?
    I know she is familiar with solitude—as I am—but I don’t know if it is any different for her now that this solitude is forced upon her. If I’m lucky, she might be sitting on her heels, obediently kneeling in front of me as I return to her dungeon.
    I chuckle. “Keep dreaming.”
    She is not there yet. But one day, I will have her at that point. Addicted to me, in desperate need to serve and please me. I will become the center of her universe.
    Everything lies in my power right now. Her freedom, her pleasure, her sanity. It is a great responsibility—and a great turn-on as my body reveals. I have had my way with her today; I have had my release. Yet, my cock is twitching as I think about her. Naked, collared and chained to her bed, possibly waiting for me.
    Always ready. She is always ready for me, no matter how much she tries to fight it.
    She is meant to be mine.
    No one has ever caught my attention as much as she has. No one has ever challenged me the way she does.
    This girl.
    My hands are closing around the steering wheel in a tight grip, causing my knuckles to turn white.
    My need for her infuriates me. This was not supposed to happen.
    How am I ever going to let go of her again?
    Maybe I don’t have to…
    I violently shake my head as this dangerous thought creeps up. No, I will let her go. I have to. I will finish what I came here to do and then I will leave everything behind - Liz included. My business, my life, does not allow for anything else.
    I ignore the cold clamp that tightens around my chest as I remind myself of these things and turn into the driveway that leads up to my temporary home.
    Nothing suggests that there is a beautiful fairy trapped inside of it, awaiting my return. I park the car and step out, casually scanning my surroundings like I always do. Right now, it is not more than a mere habit, but there used to be times in my life where it was necessary to make sure I wasn’t followed or spied on by anyone. There is no need for that at the moment, as far as I am aware of. But it never hurts to be sure.
    The estate is covered with an eerie silence and a certain tension that makes me feel uneasy. I freeze and listen for a few moments, but there is absolutely no sound except for the faint rustling of the leaves on trees and bushes as the autumn wind tickles them. 
    I take a deep breath, hoping to calm the ridiculous drums that started their beats within my chest. That heart needs to calm down and shut the fuck up. I straighten up and walk up to the front door. A frown runs across my face when I notice my hands shivering while I unlock the door.
    I open it and step in, careful not to make too much noise.
    The door closes behind me—and my heart almost stops when I see her standing right in front of me.
    Liz is standing in the hallway about ten feet away from me, wearing the light robe from her room and nothing else. Her long hair falls down over her shoulders in dark and rumpled waves, building a stark contrast to the light fabric she is wrapped in.
    She looks up at me through dark green eyes. Her makeup still smeared from our play this morning, giving her an almost ghostly appearance. Her gaze shows

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