Side Chic 3 (The Ratchetness Continues)

Side Chic 3 (The Ratchetness Continues) by La'Tonya West

Book: Side Chic 3 (The Ratchetness Continues) by La'Tonya West Read Free Book Online
Authors: La'Tonya West
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least you don’t be having them around different niggas. So stop acting like he’s father of the year or something.”
                  I was confused as to what he was talking about but I assumed that he was referring to Lala staying at Tre’s house. I wasn’t too crazy about her being there or around my kids but what could I do about it.
    “You be trippin’ me out. One minute you are all like, Tre is still my boy and we cool. Then the next minute, you are talking slick about him.”
                  “Hold up, we are cool and I’m not talking slick about him. I’m just saying you are constantly throwing in my face what he doesn’t allow around his kids but he got his other babymama staying over there and Mina shacking up over there whenever she wants. That can’t be good for them either. Those kids have only known for you to be in that house with their daddy. Now all of a sudden their seeing different women in there every time they go over there.”
                  I was still on the part where he’d mentioned some bitch named Mina shacking up over at Tre’s house. The only Mina that I knew was the one that owned the salon in Boykins and I knew for a fact that he couldn’t be talking about her. At least she’d better hope like hell it wasn’t her. That bitch was my folks!
    My phone beeped letting me know that the battery was about to go dead. I was kind of glad because I didn’t feel like talking to him any longer. There was only one person that I wanted to talk to and that was Tre. I agreed 100% with Skeet about it not being good for the kids to be seeing different bitches running in and out of his house. I didn’t care for Lala as it was but from what the boys had told me she was pretty good to them. I’d been waiting for them to come home and tell me that she’d yelled at them or did anything that she wasn’t supposed to so that I’d have an excuse to go over there and whoop her ass again but so far everything had been cool. However, I wasn’t feeling the idea of all of these different chics being around my kids and I damn sure wasn’t feeling the idea of my cousin fuckin’ my babydaddy. Somebody was going to give me some answers today. “Look, can we finish this conversation when I get back. My phone is about to go dead.”
                  “Yeah…no problem.” Skeet replied. “Are we good?”
              “Yeah, we’re good. I’ll talk to you in a little bit.”
                  “Alright…one.” We hung up and I plugged my phone into the car charger.
                  I was so mad that I could barely see the road as tears filled my eyes. It was worst enough all of the humiliation that Tre had put me through in the past few months, with me finding out about Lala, her kids and then Tamika but damn now Mina! I wasn’t sure if he knew that she and I was kin because it wasn’t like she and I were close or that we went around claiming each other. Still I couldn’t help but be hurt by how he’d moved on like I never existed. I’d thought that after getting shot and nearly losing his life he would take a break. Take some time to be by his self but instead he hadn’t missed a fuckin’ beat. I knew that his first defense would be that I was with Skeet now so what he was doing shouldn’t matter. But it did. It mattered a lot because there would be no me and Skeet if it weren’t for his fuck ups! Tears fell from my eyes. I felt like a fuckin’ fool. I wiped my tears away and tried my best to focus on the road.
                  Thirty minutes later, I was turning into Tre’s driveway. I parked behind his Charger and got out slamming the door. I didn’t see Lala’s car but it didn’t matter whether or not she was there. I wasn’t there to see her so all she needed to do was mind her business and everything would be cool. I rang the bell and waited. A

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