Side Chic

Side Chic by La'Tonya West Page A

Book: Side Chic by La'Tonya West Read Free Book Online
Authors: La'Tonya West
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    Two weeks had gone by since me finding out that I was pregnant with twins. One baby was okay, I felt like I could handle that but two! I’d been devastated since Dr. Por ter delivered the news . I kept wondering how in the hell I was going to take care of two babies, plus work. Nisey had been trying to comfort me as mu ch as she possibly could. She even offered to help me with the babies as far as babysitting. I appreciated her offer but the truth of the matter was , she was about to have a baby of her own to take care of. There was no way she would be able to care for three babies by herself while I worked. That would be too much on her and there was no way that I could ask her to do that. I’ d just have to figure out something by the time the babies got here.
    It was Tuesday evening and Nisey had been kind enough to invite me over to her place for dinner. When I arrived she greeted me at the door wearing a white tee, blue sweats, bedroom shoes and a red and white cooking apron with Nisey stitched across the front. “Hey girl.” She smiled holding open the door for me.
    “Hey. I like that apron.” I replied walking inside.
    Her home was really nice and cozy. It wasn’t anything fancy but it was nicely decorated and really neat. The eggshell paint on the walls gave it a warm relaxed vibe. The first thing that I noticed when I walked into her living room was the huge bookshelf that took up one entire wall.
    “Goodness you sure love to read , don’t you?” I asked walking over to the bookshelf and looking at all of the different books. She had a wide varie ty .
    “Girl, I will read anything , Sci-Fi, romance, drama, mystery, erotica, street-lit. Ho ney, it doesn’t matter! I just love to read!” She stood rubbing her belly. “Go on and take off your coat and make yourself at home. The food’s done so we can go on and ea if you want. ”
    I took off my coat and laid it down on the back of the sofa. I walked around looking at the pictures on the wall. There were lot s of pictures of her, her son and her husband. I was surprised to see that her husband was white. He was tall with red hair and freckles. He looked kind of nerdy to me but you can’t judge a book by its cover. “You had a beautiful family. Y’all look ed so happy.” I said staring at the photos.
    “Thanks.” She stood there staring at th e pictures for a moment, a look in her eyes like she was reminiscing but then she snapped out of it. “Come on let’s go into the kitchen.”
    “Alright.” I followed her down the short hallway into the kitchen. The kitchen was decorated with an apple theme. There were apples everywhere. It was really cute but not something I would’ve chosen. The table had already been s et so I took a seat .
    “I hope you’re hungry because I fixed baked chicken, peas and carrots, mashed potatoes, rolls, cherry cobbler and to drink we’re having Juicy Juice.” She laughed.
    I laughed too. “That sounds great. I appreciate you inviting me to dinner. I haven’t had a good home cooked meal since I left Nita’s house. Most of the time I eat fast food…well all of the time.”
    “That isn’t healthy for you or those babies. They need some good ol’ home cooking!” She fixed both of our plates and then sat down at the table. We said grace and then started to eat.
    “Yeah, I know it isn’t healthy. I will be so glad when I get back on my feet.” I put a forkful of peas and carrots in my mouth. I took my time chewing as I thought about how messed up my life seem to be at the moment. I shook my head. “Sometimes I can’t tell if I am coming or going but I’ll tell you one thing. I have definitely learned a lot from this entire experience.”
    Nisey chewed her food before responding. “Well that’s what life is all about, living and learning.” She took a sip of her juice. “Why don’t you tell me exactly how you ended up here? I mean you’ve told me bits and pieces but tell me

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