
ShouldveKnownBetter by Cassandra Carr

Book: ShouldveKnownBetter by Cassandra Carr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cassandra Carr
throat. “Sarah, I know this is none of my business, but Sebastian confided in me about you two. I wasn’t going to say anything, but Rick mentioned Sebastian’s overprotective behavior after the accident. As you know, it’s not good when people are starting to notice.”
    Suddenly Sarah’s head was like a lead balloon and she closed her eyes, willing the headache that was threatening again to abate. Maybe my concussion is worse than I thought… Her eyes flew open again as the mortifying idea that hers and Sebastian’s pretty much nonexistent relationship was a topic of conversation sank in. “There’s no ‘us two.’”
    “I know that. Calm down, honey.” Rob ran a hand through his hair. “Sebastian is a good guy. He’s one of my best buddies, and I like you too. You’re cool. You’re smart. Plus I think this mathematical analysis thing is amazing, now that I understand it better. But I think it’s a bad idea for the two of you to get involved. It’s like sleeping with a teammate’s wife. It’s not good for anybody. I mean, it’s almost like you’re a coach. That’s just weird, like sleeping with your boss or something, you know?”
    Sarah groaned. “I get the point.”
    “I’ve been watching you ever since Sebastian told me about that night you two went to dinner. He wasn’t at the arena by accident that night. He went there for you.”
    “I know.” Her tone was defensive, but she couldn’t seem to temper it. “It’s not like I invited him.”
    Rob ignored her. “You’re trying to hide it, but you’re lonely. I can see it when you get off the plane and go to your car alone, and I can see it when we’re home and everybody is talking about plans with friends and family. You said your family lives out of town, and I can appreciate that, seeing as my family and most of my non-Storm friends live ten hours away.”
    Sarah nodded, chagrined to know her loneliness was so obvious to others. She pulled the hospital gown tighter then folded her good arm over her chest.
    “I can also see you love your new role and you’re gaining confidence with the guys, which I think is great and will help you get your ideas across. Every now and then, though, you have this faraway look in your eye, like you’re thinking about something else, or someone else.”
    His perceptiveness both surprised and appalled Sarah. “Am I that easy to read?”
    Rob chuckled, revealing the creases around his eyes again. “No, you’re not. I’m probably the only one who’s noticed, since I know about the thing with you and Sebastian.
    “I was dating a girl while I was in Rochester a couple of years ago. Things were pretty serious. Then the Storm called me up. I was ecstatic to be playing here, but I missed her a lot. I wanted her to move here, but she was going to school at the University of Rochester and didn’t want to leave.”
    He took a deep breath.
    It must be costing him to relive this part of his life.
    “After a while, it just got too hard to see each other between my playing schedule and her college workload.” An expression of resignation settled over his face.
    Sarah’s heart hurt for him. Rob was a good man and she hated to see him in pain. Was this woman why Rob never dated seriously?
    “Anyway, we broke up. It took me a while to start dating again, but I did. You need to do the same. Go on a few dates. Have some fun.”
    “This isn’t the same situation. There is no relationship to speak of.” She appreciated his concern, because it was kindly intended, but she wanted this conversation over. With her background, she wasn’t at all sure she was capable of just going on a few dates for fun. Not that she was expecting a proposal by the second date, but just going out without the possibility of a relationship seemed like a waste of time. “But thank you. Sage advice from such a young man.”
    “I’m not young. I’m only a few years younger than you, I think. You’re, what, mid-thirties?” Sarah

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