She's Got It Bad

She's Got It Bad by Sarah Mayberry

Book: She's Got It Bad by Sarah Mayberry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Mayberry
Tags: Romance
around for a while, stretching it out a little. Then we worked together on the design for these formed fenders. You’ve got a lot of surface area to work with—the fenders, the fuel tank, the oil tank,” he said.
    “So vintage meets today,” Zoe said, jotting ideas down on a notepad. “Old school meets new school.”
    She pushed her pencil between her lips when she finished writing, sucking lightly on the end.
    Liam shifted in his seat. He could remember her sucking on his tongue just like that, her fingers digging into his hips and ass as she urged him to pump harder, faster. He could remember the wet slide of his body inside hers, the low moan she’d made as she came….
    Aware that his jeans suddenly felt a size too small, Liam tore his gaze away and shifted in his seat again.
    “We still got that wrecked Harley out the back?” he asked Paul.
    “Yeah. Davo started stripping it for parts the other day, but we haven’t got around to finishing it yet.”
    “Let’s give the gas tank to Zoe for a practice run.” Liam turned to her. “That way you can experiment a little, get used to the curves and angles, try out a few ideas.”
    She was nodding. “Thanks. I’d really appreciate that.”
    The meeting broke up and Zoe followed Paul out to collect the Harley tank. Liam watched them walk away, talking and laughing easily.
    Zoe was comfortable around men. She always had been—she’d been a tomboy growing up, and he bet she still didn’t own a single skirt. Not that she was unfeminine in any way. She was one of those rare women who could hang out with the guys without ever being in danger of becoming one of them.
    “Man, she’s gorgeous, eh?” Vinnie said beside him.
    Liam eyed his chief designer. “Don’t even think about it.”
    Vinnie held up both hands.
    “Hey, I’m not a complete moron. I know better than to horn in on the boss’s woman.”
    Liam frowned and turned to face him full-on.
    “She’s not my woman. She’s an old friend. A family friend.”
    “Sure she is.”
    Liam swore. “Is it too much to ask for you to keep your mind out of the gutter for five seconds?
    How about a little respect?”
    Vinnie smirked and shook his head. “Oh, man.”
    Vinnie was still smirking when he moved off to rejoin his team.
    Liam slammed the door to his office and did a lap before he admitted to himself that he wanted to follow Paul and Zoe out into the yard and shadow their every step, just in case Paul tried any moves on her.
    Which was ridiculous, not to mention embarrassing.
    He ran a hand through his hair and glanced around his office for distraction. His gaze fell on the wall clock. It was barely ten. He had a whole day left of watching Zoe interact with his almost all-male staff, then another three weeks and four days after that.
    He watched through the glass wall of his office as Paul and Zoe returned, Paul carrying the tank for her. Paul said something and Zoe laughed loudly, then punched him on the arm. The look Paul gave her was so full of speculative lust that Liam couldn’t help himself. He left his office and strode to meet them.
    “Thanks for that, Paul. I’ll show Zoe where she can set up,” he said coolly.
    Paul looked startled at the abrupt dismissal.
    “Um, sure. Okay,” he said, heading back to the spray booth.
    “He’s a funny guy,” she said.
    “Yeah. Hilarious.”
    He found her an unused workbench and helped her set up her airbrush with one of their air compressors.
    “Paul said he’d help me out with any paints or whatever I might need,” she said.
    I bet he did.
    “Great. I’ll leave you to it, then,” he said.
    Zoe was already opening her sketch pad to a fresh page. She glanced up at him when he remained standing at her side.
    “Was there something else?” she asked.
    His gaze traveled over her face, taking in her smooth skin, the fullness of her bottom lip, the small, puzzled frown between her eyebrows.

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