Shattered Trust (Shattered #2)

Shattered Trust (Shattered #2) by Magda Alexander

Book: Shattered Trust (Shattered #2) by Magda Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: Magda Alexander
rests her hand on Madison’s shoulder. “I understand. I really do. You think the medicine is not doing you any good and hate the way it makes you feel.”
    “How do you know?”
    “Well, you just told me. Plus, you’re not the first patient to come through that door and tell me the same thing. But for now? Please continue taking the medication. It was prescribed for a reason, and it’s not good to quit taking it cold turkey. It can cause more harm than good if you do.”
    “Okay.” I can see Madison doesn’t really mean it. I’ll have to talk some sense into her.
    “Now, once I get your records and look over your lab results, I’ll assess your drug regimen. We might be able to adjust your meds at that time. Is that fair?”
    Madison shrugs. “I guess.”
    “Good.” Dr. Durham pats her shoulder. “I’ll have the nurse come back in and draw your blood. While she’s doing that, I’ll talk to your sister in my office. Once the nurse’s done, she’ll bring you to us. Is that okay with you?”
    I love the way she gets Madison’s okay every step of the way. No wonder she’s got such a great reputation.
    “Sure. I can listen to my tunes while I wait,” she says, gesturing to her iPhone.
    “Good.” She sticks out her hand. “Good to meet you, Madison.”
    “Thank you, Dr. Durham.”
    Once we arrive at Dr. Durham’s office, her smile vanishes. “She’s taking some very serious drugs, Ms. Berkeley.”
    “Do you know what conditions would warrant prescribing those pills for her?”
    “She’s taking antipsychotic medication. That regimen is usually prescribed for individuals suffering from delusional disorders.”
    “What does that mean?”
    “A person with a delusional disorder can’t tell reality from fantasy.”
    “So she might be making up all those stories?”
    “Maybe. And maybe she’s telling the truth. I understand your grandfather passed away recently.”
    Of course she knows he was murdered. It’s been all over the news. “Yes.”
    “Is there somebody else who can verify her grandfather locked her up after running away? She mentioned an Olivia and a Hartley.”
    “Our housekeeper and horse trainer. I’ll ask them.”
    “Good. Find out the truth. I’ll need their take on things to see if they jibe with Madison’s.”
    Once we say good-bye to Dr. Durham and make an appointment for the following week, I treat Madison to a round of shopping. And then we get a bite to eat at a restaurant in the mall where we can talk.
    “I really hate taking all those pills,” Madison says once we’ve been shown to our table.
    “I know, sweetheart, but can you please take them for another week or so? Once Dr. Durham gets your medical records, she might be able to adjust them.”
    “I’ll take all of them except the little white one.”
    “Okay.” That’s the best I can hope for, I guess. This coming week I’ll watch her carefully to make sure she doesn’t start acting strange. I reach over the table to her. “I’m so sorry I didn’t know about any of this, Maddy.”
    She shrugs. “It’s okay. Gramps didn’t want you to know. That’s why I didn’t tell you. But I don’t need those pills, Mad. I don’t.”
    “I know you feel that way, sweetheart, but maybe they do some good. Were you taking them the day Gramps died? You blew up at Gramps that afternoon.”
    “No. I refused to take them when Olivia brought them to me. But I had a right to be mad. He knew about our father torturing our mother, and he hid it from us.” Her lips tremble as she mentions the last two things.
    Of course she’d been upset that day. So was I after reading our mother’s diary. Anyone would feel that way after learning what their father had done to their mother and the torture she’d suffered. After reading it, I’d run right into Steele’s arms. And he’d helped me deal with my pain and misery. But I hadn’t been there for Madison. After reading the journal, she’d had a screaming match with our

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