Shattered Skies: Beginning's End

Shattered Skies: Beginning's End by Heather Linn Page B

Book: Shattered Skies: Beginning's End by Heather Linn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Linn
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where I must disagree with you kitten, I am the Regent. I can do whatever I please.” 
    Wow! This man could go from shocked to smug in no time at all. I have been called egotistical a time or two in my day, but this guy was over the top. “Which brings me back to my previous point, you are the King. Can’t you find something more important to do with your time then stalk me? I am of no royal bloodline and way, way below your class. I didn’t think you were allowed to spend time with low class losers.” 
    “You are right Cat. You are a beggar, a peasant compared to me. Under normal circumstances, I would not give a Dominus of your social standing a second glance, but there is something so different about you. You fascinate me. I can’t put it into words. Kind of the way a cat is fascinated with a mouse. They want to watch it and play with it for a while to see what it is going to do before they finally eat it.” Akia sounded somewhat distant and trance like; in simple terms, incredibly creepy. His was the voice that nightmares were made of. 
    “Wait a minute. Are you telling me you are going to kill me? Is this some sort of sick game to you?” This time I wasn’t able to keep my voice monotone. If he was looking for a fight, I could handle that better than I could handle the fact that he was interested in me. If that was the case, if I was so tough and I could handle him wanting me dead instead of just wanting me, then why did my heart shatter as I said it?
    “No Kitten. Let’s not be ridiculous. I do not wish to harm you. I just want to hunt you to win your heart. I don’t know what it is about you, but I have never been this taken by a woman before. I want to find out why you are able to turn me into a fumbling heartsick fool.” 
    “I told you never to call me kitten again. Your sick infatuation with me is no reason to break into my apartment and allow your thugs to snoop around in all my personal things.” Ok, good, I sounded pissed again, even if my heart was doing summersaults of relief. 
    “Amazing! You are quite dramatic. I have to admit that makes this game of cat and mouse even more of a turn on. Before you hurt yourself trying to think of a way to take care of your break-in, there were no thugs, just three little old human women who operate that flower shop on East Main. I told them if there proved to be anything disturbed, I would have their heads. Believe me; they assured me that everything would remain untouched. They have a cushy job and know that as soon as they mess up their use to me will be over and they will be dealt with like every other aging human.” 
    The way that he said ‘dealt with’ made me shiver. It was comments like that that reminded me why it was us versus them, why I needed to listen to my head which was telling me to straighten up and shut up the part of me that wanted nothing more than to run to him, if even just to see him for a brief second before he killed me. Yeah, I know, sick, right? I needed to remember why I needed to hate him. I thought of the first disturbing truth that came to my mind. The Dominus had no grasp on human life at all. It had gotten so bad that the monsters were now forcing the caged humans in the food class to breed and have babies that would be used for future food supplies. Yes that was a good one; that is why I spent my entire life being training to kill them. That was why they were monsters. 
    “So Kitten did you enjoy the beautiful roses I sent? I didn’t know what color was your favorite so I had them send all the different colo rs that they could think of.” OK, I had had enough of this man’s ability to change the conversation to benefit himself. 
    “Your majesty, you are not forgiven for breaking into my apartment, you are not forgiven for your cocky actions, and you are also not forgiven for using whatever power it is that you were blessed with to invade my head with that kiss. And most importantly, stop calling me

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