Shattered Castles 1 : Castles on the Sand

Shattered Castles 1 : Castles on the Sand by E. M. Tippetts

Book: Shattered Castles 1 : Castles on the Sand by E. M. Tippetts Read Free Book Online
Authors: E. M. Tippetts
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friend Kailie and some of her cousins.
Hi Madison,
It's not flattery. It's the truth. You're gorgeous, and now I have the pictures to prove it.
    I click open a chat window.
Just stop it, okay.
Stop what?
All the stupid stuff about me being beautiful. I'm tired of it.
I didn't mean to offend you. What's wrong with me saying you're pretty?
It's a lie.
It is not a lie. Why would you say that?
I'm fat. I'm pasty.
You are not fat, and you're pale, not pasty. Fair skin, blue eyes, flawless complexion. You're stunning.
STOP IT, okay?
Whoa. What's wrong, Sis?
I'm tired of guys just saying what they think I want to hear.
Look, I may not be the most intuitive person, but I can tell this is not what you want to hear. It clearly makes you mad. I'm still going to say it because it is the actual truth.
Would you tell me if I was ugly?
I would never call my own sister ugly, but I wouldn't lie to you. Listen, you want to call me later? Clearly I've upset you.
I don't know.
Up to you, but you've got my number.
    “Dare I ask,” says Siraj, “what has you pounding the keyboard so hard?”
    “Would you ever tell your sister if she was ugly?”
    He blinks a few times. “Two of my littlest sisters have Down's Syndrome. I helped take care of them because our mother died when they were just babies. Other people don't see how beautiful they are. They got teased a lot.”
    “But did you tell them they're beautiful?”
    “They are beautiful. I don't care what anyone else says. They are.”
    “Would you send them to an audition to become supermodels?”
    “That's entirely beside the point.”
    And I sense, from his quiet, determined tone, that for him it really is beside the point. “Sorry to get all personal, there,” I say.
    “It's quite all right.”
Okay, fine. I guess it's just a brother thing.
We brothers see the truth so much more clearly than anyone else.
Right. Anyway. I have work.
Okay. Talk to you later. Love you.
    I stare at those words for a minute.
    M onday morning, when Kailie and I step onto campus, Carson beckons me over to where he stands, by the MAV.
    “Something going on with Carson?” asks Kailie.
    “I don't know. I mean... he said he's interested in me and-”
    “You are such a liar.” She turns on her heel and stalks away in the direction of the school.
    I look after her, puzzled, and Carson waves to me in my peripheral vision once again. Since I'm not a big fan of being summoned, I let myself scowl as I head over to him. “Yeah?”
    The rest of the Mormon herd is still piling out of the MAV through the sliding door, which is on the far side. I hear five sets of shoes hit the pavement, and the door slide shut.
    “Just wanted to see how you were.”
    “And now you've seen.”
    “Listen, rumor has it you're back with Jean-Pierre.”
    “Well, I don't listen to rumors.”
    “I hope it's not true.”
    “Thanks for the advice.”
    “Promise me something? That the next guy who kisses you will be your boyfriend? He'll acknowledge you in public?”
    “Yeah, sure, I promise.” Anything, I think, to end this conversation. Why is he back to bossing me around?
    “Why do you have to be so short with me?”
    “You are still telling me what to do.”
    “Well, I didn't mean it that way. Give me a chance. Take a break from the selfish, cruel people you surround yourself with all the time and go out with me. One date.”
    “Insulting my friends isn't the way to get on my good side.”
    “Okay, well I didn't mean it that way either.”
    But I've had enough. I turn away, head across the parking lot, and step between two large utility vans that are parked right in front of the school. Someone taps me on the shoulder, and when I

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