girls since your last visit.’ She quickly points to each of us, says our names, while Steph and another girl co-opted to help are bringing in serving dishes, putting them on the table: roast dinner. As Stella points to me and says Riley Kain , Astrid’s eyes fall on mine. A brief moment of something crosses her face – curiosity, that soon fades to disinterest? Then she is interrupted by Stella passing her a dish. The curious glance returns.
    The usual chatter around the table is gone. Everyone eats silently, even Madison, while Astrid holds court. She talks with Stella about the running of the house; asks about window repairs. Every now and then her eyes fall on one of us, and she’ll ask a question: about work, or Keswick. All pleasant and chit-chatty. No order in it, not working her way around the table or any logic to it you can see.
    Then she turns and her eyes fall on Madison: playing with her food, slumped in her seat, eyes lowered. ‘Madison, isn’t it?’ she says.
    Madison looks up, nods: her eyes, visible now, are defiant. Something in my stomach twists.
    Amusement crosses Astrid’s face. ‘Not hungry today, dear?’
    ‘Not really. Can I be excused?’
    Stella’s sharp intake of breath is audible in a room too quiet.
    ‘On one condition. Tell me exactly what you are thinking, first.’
    Doubt crosses Madison’s face; she shakes it off. Please, Madison, don’t be an idiot , I plead silently.
    ‘All right, then. It’s my one weekend off this month, and I had plans. But she insisted we all be here.’ Madison glares at Stella.
    ‘Oh, I see. I’m sorry you missed your plans .’ Astrid says. ‘What were they?’ A tinge of red crosses Madison’s cheeks. ‘A boy, I’m guessing? My, my. Really, Stella,’ she says, looking at her daughter now. ‘They don’t all have to be here today, not if they have plans . You know I really just come to see how you are. You know what it is like to be a mother , to worry about your daughter .’ There is a malicious twist to her words.
    Stella’s lips are set in a thin line. ‘I think I know what is best for my girls.’
    Madison clears her throat. ‘I told you what I was thinking, like you asked; can I go now?’
    Astrid looks at her daughter, an eyebrow raised in a question.
    ‘Stay and finish your lunch,’ Stella says.
    Madison scowls. ‘It’s not fair. None of the other houses are run like this. She treats us like prisoners!’
    Too far . All the girls look at her in horror. I plead with my eyes: stop this; apologise now!
    Astrid smiles. ‘I think, dear Madison, you would be able to tell the difference between this and a prison, if you ever found yourself in one. You may go now.’
    Madison looks between her and Stella, like a rabbit caught in the headlights. Stella nods faintly. ‘Go on,’ she says.
    Madison puts her napkin on the table, pushes her chair out. Walks stiffly to the door and is gone.
    Astrid laughs. ‘What a serious bunch you are! Doesn’t anyone have any stories to tell? Perhaps one of the new girls.’ Her eyes fall on me. ‘Kylie, was it?’
    ‘Riley,’ I answer, trying not to react to her saying my name so close to Kyla.
    ‘When did you arrive in Keswick?’
    ‘Earlier this week. I’m here for the CAS intake.’
    ‘Where are you from?’
    ‘Chelmsford. But I love the mountains, and I want to work for National Parks.’ I start to rush out an explanation of what they do before she has even asked. My voice trails away.
    She raises an eyebrow. ‘At last: a chatty one. And how did you—’
    ‘Oh drat. Sorry!’ Stella interrupts, springing up as a toppled jug spreads water across the table. Steph dashes for a cloth; Astrid gets up out of her seat before the water can run onto her lap. ‘Sorry, sorry,’ Stella says again.
    ‘Stop fussing,’ Astrid snaps.
    She and Stella leave the dining room.
    The door swings shut, and as if we all had been holding our breath, we let it out in one collective gasp.
    ‘Is she always like

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