Sharing Freedom
Freedom in the room across from mine and Poke’s.”
    The man behind the bar turned and looked at Freedom, she recognized him from the strip
     club. He had come in a few times, but always sat at Rain’s table. He grinned and
    “Sure, I will mark it off,” the man called and turned. That was when she saw a board
     hanging behind the bar. It held a diagram with names and rooms. He saw Cap pick
     up a marker and write her name in. She squinted and saw there were two sides of the
     diagram. Hers was added to the side that said 3 rd floor, where Poke, Creed, Raven, Easy, Rock, Numbers, Magnum, Fork, Shady, and now
     her. Ten rooms on the other side was 2 nd floor and she saw three rooms that said, Whore 1, Whore 2, Whore 3, and then Nike,
     Rain, Kink, Chance, Shark, and Blade. There was one room open. Holy shit, this place had twenty bedrooms , she thought as she followed the large man to the side of the room and up the staircase.
     The next level was she saw a series of doors and that was it, the same black marble
     floor as was on the main floor. Not as plush as she would have expected.
    They continued up the next staircase and she felt winded, damn, she was going to
     have to get into shape or she would never be able to go up and down the damn stairs.
    When they reached the top floor, she gasped. It was so much different from the other
     floor. First off, it had carpeting, thick, lush light brown carpeting, the kind you
     wanted to kick off your shoes and dig your toes into.
    Second, there was a large living space in the middle of the floor; two large sectionals
     were in the middle facing a fireplace, and a large television on the wall. A pool
     table in the corner. There was also a small mini bar, and a small kitchen area.
     It was gorgeously decorated in masculine browns and blacks.
    The next thing she noticed was none of the rooms had doors, she blinked and looked
     closer, no, there were archways leading into each room. She could see people in beds
     from where she was standing. What the fuck ? she thought and looked around. Easy was moving to a room to the left and she followed
     slowly before protesting.
    He led her to a corner room and threw her stuff on a tall poster bed. She looked
     around and saw a joining archway, and walked slowly toward it; it was a bathroom that
     led into the next room. She frowned and pointed.
    “Whose room is that?” she whispered.
    “Three people share a bathroom, you are sharing with Poke and I,” he said flatly and
     she swung her gaze to his and frowned.
    “What about Shady?” she asked.
    “What about her?” Easy shrugged.
    “Well, it would make sense to have two women share their bathroom,” she said.
    “Yeah, well Shady’s room is over there between Raven and Rock, she likes it there.”
     Easy shrugged. “It’s not like this is a democracy, this is your room and this is
     where you will stay.”
    “But,” she started and Easy sighed loudly, put a hand to his nose, and pinched it.
    “Yes?” Easy said gruffly.
    “There is no door, what about privacy?” she said slowly.
    Easy snorted and said, “No one will bother you while you are in your room unless you
     ask. We don’t have doors for one, because it is how we like it, all of us, we like
     to watch people fucking. It is like our own porn show. We all decided this when
     it was built. Everyone on this floor is part of the leadership, Creed said to put
     you here and so here is where you are.”
    “I am not part of the leadership,” she whispered.
    “No, you are a just a Bitch, I am pretty sure Creed just wants to make it easy to
     get into your pussy. He will move you when he gets sick of you, for now this is your
     room, get used to it,” Easy said with a hard tone, turned, and walked out of the room.
    Freedom gasped and shook her head at his retreating back. She wanted to call him
     a prick and yell at him, but she was a little worried about his reaction. For some
     reason she didn’t want to

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