Shared By The Alpha Bears - Complete

Shared By The Alpha Bears - Complete by Amy Star Page A

Book: Shared By The Alpha Bears - Complete by Amy Star Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Star
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his chest for a brief moment as I put my hands on top of his, encouraging his motions and trying to get him to move his hands more, before I whipped my hair back, this time pointing my face forward to the headboard behind him, my eyes closed and my mouth open.
    Max lifted his head to kiss my neck, and then we were rolling back the other way again, putting him back on top. Now Max took over the motions, thrusting down into me. His lips became glued to my neck, and my mouth remained locked open, my head rolled back on the pillow. I cupped my hands onto his ass and started pulling at him on each down thrust, wanting to pull him deeper inside me.
    With a gasp I came, the bedroom around me falling away, my whole world coming down to the thick object penetrating me so deliciously and the waves of pleasure coursing out through me from it. I rode the waves while they lasted, and then shuddering, I came back to the world to find Max still thrusting away at me.
    It didn’t take much more than another minute for that to have me saying, “Oh, fuck, I’m gonna cum again!”
    “Do it baby!” He urged me.
    And when I climaxed again, he did with me, emptying his seed into my depths.
    We came down from our orgasmic highs, with him still lying on top of me with his slowly softening cock still inside me as we caught our breaths. It took a few minutes before he finally withdrew and rolled off me. “Thank you for that.” I said.
    “You looked like you needed it.” He said.
    “I really did,” I nodded. “I’ve never seen you and Jake like this before.”
    “That’s because we’ve never worried about someone trying to hurt you before.” He said, reaching over to stroke my arm. “Nothing in the world could scare us more than that.”
    I squeezed a tear from my eye, and I rolled over and kissed him.
    Moments later there was a knocking sound at the open door. We looked up to see Jake standing there looking down at us. “I’m sorry, Max, but we should probably get going.”
    Max frowned, but nodded, and started getting up off the bed.
    “Get going?” I said. “Going where?”
    “We said we’re going to keep you safe, Billie and we meant it,” Jake said. “And given the circumstances, we should make sure our territory is safe in order to do that. So we’re going out to keep an eye on our territory.”
    The sound of that worried me. “Are you sure you guys will be safe out there?”
    “We’re alpha bears, Billie,” Max said. “We’re the top of the food chain. I think we’ll be okay. We just want to make sure you are.”
    I wasn’t reassured. “But what if something comes for me while you’re gone?”
    “We won’t go far,” Jake said. “We’ll be back soon. I promise.”
    And with that, they walked out, leaving me there.
    I went to the window, looking down at the darkness below and saw Jake and Max stepping out the front door. I watched as they shifted into their bear forms, and wander off into the night.
    And I was alone.
    Why did I get the feeling I was going to have to get used to that? Again?
    I fell back onto the bed and pulled the covers over myself, curling up again like I had before. I had never not been able to count on my bears for anything. So why did I feel like they weren’t being honest with me now? What were they not saying to me?

    I managed to fall asleep at some point. I don’t remember dreaming, but it was hours later when I next I looked at the clock.
    And this was after I’d been woken up by the awful noises coming from outside. I heard screaming and animalistic growling and some other sounds I couldn’t place. I sprang from the bed and ran to the window, trying to peer through the gloom to see what was going on. But all I could see was darkness.
    Then I started to hear voices. “Come on, Jake.” I heard Max saying. “We’re almost there.” Moments

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