Shadows of the Past

Shadows of the Past by Frances Housden Page B

Book: Shadows of the Past by Frances Housden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Frances Housden
grinned, looking down at his soft brown leather loafers. They teamed up with the loose-weave cotton shirt he had on, casual but smart. As for the rest, his tan chinos were the same as those her brothers wore.
    They’d only gone a few steps away from the patio when Franc pulled Maria’s arm around behind his waist, leaving his on her shoulders. Side by side, they traveled in silence until Franc said, “Sorry if I came across as unsociable toward the end of the gift giving. I started thinking about my family, and before I knew it, I’d dropped out of my comfort zone.”
    So that was his reason for the change in atmosphere she’d sensed. “Do you miss them?”
    “If you’d asked me yesterday, I’d have said no way. But that was yesterday. I also felt a bit embarrassed about the gifts.”
    “Ah, but mothers always cater for the unexpected. You can eat your chocolates and wear your socks with a clear conscience.”
    He patted his stomach. “Do you think I can chance it?”
    “If you mean has she poisoned you, you’re safe. But if you’re asking about putting on weight…” She let the answer hang a minute while she remembered the feel of his hard body covering hers. Color swept her face, and she tried to hide it by looking around him as she gently pinched his waist. “No problem there. You can take it.”
    “Glad I have your approval,” he said, lifting her chin till he could look straight into her eyes.
    What she saw in them made her heart leap. Suddenly she didn’t want to wait another day to discover how making love with Franc felt. The thought of having him inside her brought on an ache that intensified her longing. He leaned over and brushed his lips across hers, gently, sweet as fresh-picked grapes with the warmth of the sun on them, warmth that infused the whole of her body. She’d never in a million years imagined this floaty feeling as if her feet didn’t touch the ground.
    They walked a few more yards before she dredged a few words out of the knot in her throat. “Actually, you did me a favor. That’s two I owe you now. Instead of mooning sentimentally about this being my last Christmas at Falcon’s Rise, I was more concerned you didn’t feel left out. Which meant I didn’t embarrass myself by coming over all weepy. I guess I did enough of that last night.”
    “And with good reason.” His voice dropped a couple of notches, vibrating through the wall of his chest into her side.
    The tips of his fingers drew lazy circles on her shoulder, keeping alive the buzz she’d experienced before. “You’ve been through a frightening experience. You know what they say about a trouble shared. I guess we halved it. You ought to feel easier now you’ve told me.”
    “Dumped on you, don’t you mean? I guess the tension has been slightly alleviated, but I always feel more relaxed at home. If only I could convince myself I haven’t got both of us worked up over a figment of my imagination.”
    They were less than three feet from the bridge when he stopped and held her by the shoulders. His hands were warm on the skin left bare by a sleeveless top the color of pale violets. She’d worn it because of a compliment he’d made about her eyes.
    His big hands made her feel small, fragile, but with Franc she didn’t mind. He probably didn’t suspect he had this talent for gentleness, but he’d proved it by not trampling all over her vulnerability.
    “I’d wish I could pretend the stalking was all in your mind, but from what you tell me, it’s happened too often to be dismissed lightly. When we get back to Auckland, I’m going to give you one of my cell phones. That way you can call me day or night. Anytime you feel you’re being watched.”
    Franc pushed her away slightly as he gauged her reception of his idea. “Got that? No matter the hour, you have to call me.”
    The area in her brain that wouldn’t quit, wouldn’t let her cower to Searle, wanted to respond with an irreverent salute, and an

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