Shadow of the Swan (Book Two of the Phoenix Legacy)

Shadow of the Swan (Book Two of the Phoenix Legacy) by M.K. Wren

Book: Shadow of the Swan (Book Two of the Phoenix Legacy) by M.K. Wren Read Free Book Online
Authors: M.K. Wren
Tags: FICTION/Science Fiction/General
several hundred loyal members, and it would be equally futile for you to try to identify and kill all of them.”
    “And why am I supposed to be so concerned about these ’speakers, that I’d bother to search them out, much less kill to keep them from being activated?” Hendrick; he’d have to talk to Hendrick. There must be some way to detect microspeakers, even when they weren’t activated.
    She opened her hand and let him see the tape spool in her palm, then dropped it on the table.
    “This will answer your question, Predis. Listen to it. This is what the members will hear from those ’speakers: an outline of the Ransom Alternative—including Alex Ransom’s identity, of course—along with excerpts from recordings we’ve acquired in our little war of monitors, primarily conversations between you and Rob Hendrick, which will explain certain recent arrests of members, as well as several ‘accidental’ deaths. If any member hearing one of these tapes can still maintain any faith in you, then the Phoenix is made up of fools, and you aren’t fool enough to believe that.”
    Ussher felt the rush of blood to his face, the pounding behind his eyes. His fists thumped impotently into the bed.
    “Lies! You think you can—all
! It’s—”
    “Predis, be quiet and listen!” Venturi was on his feet, slitted eyes glittering.
    Ussher subsided. He couldn’t lose control. That’s what they wanted, and he had to think this out. It could be a bluff, a bluff he might be willing to call. And, given enough time, he could make the name of Alex Ransom so despised, those microspeakers wouldn’t mean a damn thing. He didn’t need to bring it up in the Council, either. Gossip. Yes, Radek was right; it
an effective ploy. It had always worked. Time was the important thing. All he needed was enough time.
    “Very well, Commander, I’m listening.”
    It was Radek who replied, “We’re well aware that you may not take our predictions or threats seriously, but I’d advise you to do so. If you don’t, you’ll risk destroying the Phoenix, and you need it.”
    “And what about you? Aren’t you taking that risk with those microspeakers?”
    “True, but they won’t be activated unless something happens to Ben or me, or unless you carry out your plans to make Alex your scapegoat.”
    “I see. In other words, you don’t care what happens to the Phoenix if you’re not around to try to run it your way.”
    Her chin came up slightly. “Yes, Predis, we do care; that’s why we’ll see the Phoenix destroyed rather than leave it to you.”
    He only smiled at that. She might talk about saving the Phoenix, but the real issue here was clear. She was afraid, and she was here to bargain—to bargain for her life, hers and her trained lackey’s. Ussher leaned back, crossing one leg over the other.
    “All right, Dr. Radek, I’ll bargain with you. I’ll give you and Venturi your lives. And Ransom. You can have his good name untarnished. For now, anyway.”
    “What do you mean by ‘for now’?”
    He laughed, enjoying it. “What do you expect? A date written into a contract? For
. For as long as I feel like standing by the bargain.”
    She smiled, and there was something incomprehensible about it, an incredible
    “Then we’ll also stand by the bargain . . . for now.”
    She reached into the pocket of her slacsuit and took out an X 2 and handed it to him. It was his own gun.
    “Sleep well, Predis.”
    Then she turned and left the room, with Venturi following silently behind her.
    Ussher looked down at the gun. It was at full charge with the safety off.
    Sleep well
. . . .
    Damn her!

2 .
    The sun in Helen wasn’t yet at zenith, but the pavement sent up shimmers of heat. Adrien Eliseer wore a wide-brimmed hat to augment her eyeshades, but both were as much to hide her face as to protect it. She was too preoccupied to control her expression now.
    Lectris followed her across the baking pavement from the

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