Shadow Fan (The Shadow Fan Series #1)

Shadow Fan (The Shadow Fan Series #1) by Shelley Martin

Book: Shadow Fan (The Shadow Fan Series #1) by Shelley Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shelley Martin
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    Copyright © 2013 Shelley Martin
    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.
    This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to any person, living or dead, any place, events or occurrences, is purely coincidental. The characters and story lines are created from the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.
    This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to the purchase-point and purchase your own copy.
    Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.
    Published by Silver Seraphim Press
    Cover art by Linda Issa
    Edited by BriLee Editing
    Than k you to Heavenly Father, who has made me all thatq I am. Thank you to my husband, whose support led me to where I am. Thank you to my children, who have taught me patience, and share it with me while I disappear into my “writing worlds.” Thank you to my critique partners, you know who you are, and I know where you live. And a big thank you to my beta readers, who are too many to mention, but I am grateful to every one of you!
    Spirit - A being existing without a body. They can be very powerful or weak. The more powerful become guardians over portions of our world and the Border Lands.
    Mushi - Life in its purest form. Because of their nature, their shapes and forms are ambiguous. Some you can see, some you can’t. Some can even take on human form. They are as simple and various as the insects of our world and mostly live in the Border Lands.
    Yokai - Often translated as “demons,” they can be portrayed as good or evil, but are always mischievous. They have a variety of abilities and often have animal-like qualities. The more powerful the Yokai, the more humanoid they appear.
    Border Lands- The land between this world and the next. Mushi and a variety of spirits live here, as well as human souls who have become lost once departing their body.
    Oni - A large troll like creature, with two horns protruding from their head and sharp claws. Their skin can be any color. In tales of old they are often the ultimate bad guys.
    Shrine - A platform within a small building or simple roof, containing an object or statue connected to a being of greater power; usually a spirit or God. These can be found on large sacred grounds or small roadside plots.
    Priest/Priestess - A man or woman devoted to a lifetime of service to a greater being.
    Japan, 1513
    Naru wasn’t exactly proud of eavesdropping. As a young Japanese man, honor was an important quality. But the village lord never came to Yoshino’s shrine. Something unusual was going on.
    “So all the girls have just disappeared?” A priest asked.
    Lord Osamu nodded. Although, as the father of two marriageable daughters, he didn’t look very worried. “About seven of them from the neighboring valley. All daughters of nobility.”
    Another shrine priest joined the conversation. “So, that’s why you’re here? To watch over Lady Aya as she visits the shrine?”
    The Lord yawned as if bored. “Yes. Well, it seems I’m not needed. The issue ended weeks ago. I’m sure the girls just ran away. After all, they have no decent men to marry in that valley.”
    The men laughed. Naru rolled his eyes. If they weren’t going to be serious about keeping Aya safe, then he would. He could never let anything happen to the Lady.
    The sound of rustling silk made him duck. He

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