
Shadow by Will Elliott

Book: Shadow by Will Elliott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Will Elliott
Strategist?’ said Thaun.
    â€˜There’s a loose force in the world, that’s what. Maybe enough to topple him, us, everything. And that’s without the Wall’s destruction to deal with on top of it all!’
    â€˜Are we to eliminate this force?’ said Thaun quietly.
    â€˜Try if you like!’ said Blain with another mirthless laugh. ‘No. Better we try to use it. We may need to, when the Pendulum swings higher and faster. We must study the new force, learn its ways. We must find it. Urgently. This Shadow. He is probably with the Pilgrims.’
    â€˜The new war you spoke of?’ said Thaun.
    Blain laughed grimly and turned to Tauvene. ‘Have our First Captain’s nerves settled? How many men can you get to World’s End, soon as can be? I want a big number.’
    â€˜For fighting duty? For siege duty? For…?’
    â€˜Men! Men! Bodies, working bodies. Fool, dribbling jester of a man, we’ll send you simpering into this ravine and find a more useful idiot. How many?’
    â€˜Five thousand, at the very most. It would be difficult. Very difficult, if you wish it done quietly and quickly.’ Blain made a noise of mock sympathy. ‘I can scoop some from the forces gathering for Tsith,’ said Tauvene. ‘Some from Pyren’s home guard. I can send for many of the roaming patrols. It would leave some homelands unguarded, which will be noticed.’
    â€˜Five thousand? Not enough. Get more. Double that, at least.’
    â€˜Where am I to get these troops? As you say, an invasion of Tsith and then all the rebel cities is practically begun, with some boots already on the road! But if this is your official order, I shall try,’ said Tauvene in the tone of one trying to hide his disbelief. ‘May I ask for what purpose the men are needed, Strategist? Precisely who is our foe?’
    Blain laughed again. ‘Your foe is whoever seeks to cross into Levaal South. No one’s to get anywhere near the border, where the Wall stood. Fan them out, cover as much territory as you can. Concentrate on the roads and plains where a group could charge. Arm your men with longbows; use bolt throwers. Set up staves, pits. Lay traps. Create a moat of death before the boundary. Make examples of any who try to cross it. Be cruel. Crueller than cruel.’
    Tauvene’s mouth hung open. ‘That is … absurd. Your pardon, Strategist. I mean only to be useful on my way to the grave. That is too much territory to cover with any hope of—’
    â€˜I’ll find some reinforcements for you,’ said Blain as though the First Captain had not spoken a word. ‘They’ll be wearing the city colours of our enemies, if I succeed in my next task. That’s in doubt. I’m not known for a silver tongue. I’ve some sworn enemies to persuade to help us. Tell your men to expect them, nonetheless.’ Blain grunted in disgust, contemplating his task. ‘At least you’ll have a god or two on your side. No one, not a single man or beast, is to cross the boundary. Understand? Not a one. Forget about “why” for now. Your weak fool brain has load enough to carry.’
    â€˜Such rhetorical flourish will surely aid you in persuading our enemies,’ said the First Captain, bristling to be insulted this way before Evelle.
    â€˜Of what do you wish to persuade the rebel cities, Strategist?’ said Thaun.
    Blain grunted. ‘To preserve the world for a while. Until later, when we can stab their backs at a time of our choosing. All of which they will know full well. But for now we need them. There’s little point winning a prize which has burned to ash. How absurd. We need them!’ Blain laughed again with what seemed real mirth. ‘Go,’ he snapped at Tauvene. ‘Assist him,’ he added to Envidis. No one was under any illusion what assist really meant. Least of all the First Captain.
    â€˜And where is

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