Shackles of Honor
into step beside Mason. “There is work to attend to.”
    Mathias took no pause to consider and happily left Cassidy to follow his beloved master. Mason and Havroneck strode swiftly away, Mathias running circles about them as they went.
    Devonna’s laughter was like the tinkling of tiny crystal bells as it erupted almost immediately. Cassidy’s eyes widened as her own mother seemed unable to restrain herself and burst into giggling of her own.
    “You’re incorrigible, Dev,” Cylia gasped between laughter.
    “I-I-I am sorry, darling,” Devonna sighed. Then, turning to Cassidy, she said, “I’m a terrible tease , and I just couldn’t stand that thick soup of tension between the two of you any longer.”
    Cassidy, however, was amused only momentarily and for several reasons. First, she did not like being made to feel so uncomfortable almost immediately upon entering a stranger’s home, especially when her own mother seemed to feel completely at ease. Second, she was astounded that Mason was not more defensive at his mother’s heckling. And third, and most disturbing of all, was the fact that when his mother suggested Mason kiss her, something within her thrilled into hope that he would actually act upon the suggestion!
    “She has lost every bit of her color,” Devonna commented, bringing Cassidy back from her thoughts and to the conversation at hand once more.
    “She has had a rough time of it, Dev,” Cylia said, placing a protective arm about her daughter’s shoulders and kissing her lovingly on the cheek. “It came as such a shock. She had seen Mason all of two minutes when the revelation was made.”
    Cassidy dropped her eyes for a moment, and when she again looked up , it was to see Devonna looking at her. Her eyes shone with greater sympathy and understanding than she could ever have imagined someone possessing, other than her own mother , who, when she turned to look at her as well, held the same sympathetic, understanding expression.
    “He is an uncommonly good and kind man, my son,” Devonna spoke to Cassidy in nearly a whisper. “He seems all thistles and burrs, I know. But that’s merely his way of…he hides behind his fierce exterior. It’s his armor, you see. But his Achilles ’ heel cannot hide itself from you forever. You’ll see.” Devonna reached out and caressed Cassidy’s cheek fondly with one soft hand. “You must trust in your mother and me. We have experience and wisdom in our ranks.” She nodded reassuringly at Cassidy. Then, taking Cylia’s hand, she directed, “Come now, my two lady friends. LaMont will be mad with being anxious to see you. We must go to him at once. You can freshen up and rest after you have seen him. He’ll not be able to rest until he knows you are here safely.”
    “How fares milord? Truly, Dev,” Cylia asked.
    Cassidy felt pity for the woman, for a shadow of something like fear passed over her face at the question.
    “He…he is strong yet. And I am hopeful, for I cannot bear this. I cannot lose…I know it’s coming, but I pray each day for another,” she answered quietly. She seemed to force the moisture from brimming in her eyes and a smile to her face as she turned to Cassidy. Taking her arm as they began ascending a long staircase, she added, “But you’ll keep the life in him now. He’ll be beyond enduring the pleasure that seeing you here will bring him.”
    “Darling?” Devonna called softly upon opening the door to a grand bedchamber at the end of one long hallway. “LaMont? Are you indeed awake, my love?”
    “Of course, Dev. Of course. Have they arrived then?” a deep and commanding voice boomed from within. It did not at all sound to Cassidy as the voice of an invalid man.
    “Oh, yes, LaMont! And she is more beautiful than I had imagined, for she looks the image of Cylia.” Devonna’s voice spoke with excitement and hope, but Cassidy did not miss the catch of emotion in her throat.
    Cassidy followed her mother into the

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