Sexy Little Secrets - A Bedside Companion

Sexy Little Secrets - A Bedside Companion by Christina Mascaro

Book: Sexy Little Secrets - A Bedside Companion by Christina Mascaro Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christina Mascaro
    Hot steam soothed away Sarah’s aches as she washed the soap out of her hair and ran the slick soap over her skin. The steamy air of the shower loosened the muscles in her throat as she ran her hands over her body, rinsing off.
    The bathroom was adjoined to her room, so she didn’t bother covering up when she exited the bathroom, using the towel on her hair rather than on her body.
    Her limbs and torso emitted a light steam as she dug through her clothing to find something to sleep in. As she air-dried, the soft droplets of water evaporated, leaving small goose bumps on her skin, and drawing her nipples into hard, darkened peaks.
    Sarah quickly tied her tangled hair into a messy bun, and then pulled on a white cotton top with spaghetti straps and gray cotton pants.
    She flipped off the harsh white overhead lig ht and turned on a small bedside lamp that omitted a soft, dim, orange glow. Climbing on top of the covers, she laid back against all of the pillows propped on top.
    Conner was drying his own hair from his shower and dressed quickly in boxers and a shirt. He was eager to check on Sarah. It had been a long day at work, and it had been physically strenuous. Their rooms were right next to each other, so he didn’t bother putting on a robe, but crept the few feet in the hallway and gazed at her through the open door.
    He stood in the doorway, his eyes drifting over her body. Her gaze was vulnerable and at peace, her eyes closed, her breasts small but perfectly round and robust. The nipples were barely visible through her cotton tank top, the outline dark and shadowed through the fabric, her nipples poking through slightly.
    He stepped out of the shadows, desire tugging at his lower belly, threatening to swallow him quickly.
    Sarah slowly looked at him, wonderingly, unembarrassed by her state of near undress.
    “Come in,” she paused, weariness in her voice. Conner melted with compassion.
    “It’s just me,” he meant the words casually, but after hearing the words come out of his mouth, he realized they were an attempt to calm himself, and assure her there were no secret intentions.
    He saw relief course through her, and he shut her door quietly, making his way to her bed. He sat down next to her, the weight of the mattress sagging slightly and tilting her body towards his.
    Conner’s hands began to knead the muscles in her neck and shoulder, unable to keep his hands off of her.
    “Ow—,” she drawled slowly, bunching her shoulders and pulling away. “That hurts,” she complained.
    “Do you want me to stop?” Conner asked quickly, his hands yanking back.
    “No…no it felt good too,” she stammered.
    “Your muscles are so tight, your shoulders are in knots,” he commented, his fingers and heels of his hands rubbing and massaging her upper back and neck.
    “It has been such a long day, and I’m just so confused,” she cut herself off to breathe in deeply. Her body, stiff and tense, relaxed and went limp so she rested against his chest. “Conner?” She turned her head to the side.
    Conner’s heart was beating hard. The sexual attraction that had been culminating over the last two weeks was finally peaking.
    “Huh?” He responded by kissing her hair lightly.
    “Nothing,” she shook her head.
    “It’s okay,” he encouraged, kissing her neck and shoulder.
    “Do you think I’m pushing everyone away? Am I doing something wrong here? Am I being punished for my actions?” She remarked boldly, even though her voice was quivering.
    “No, you’re not being punished,” Conner stopped to prevent his voice from breaking. Sarah closed her eyes, sleep taking over her body. His hands took a hold of her elbows and he slid his palms to her upper arms, surprised at the coolness of her skin. “God would never punish you,” he whispered, kissing the base of her neck, moving down her spine.
    Sarah shivered as his lips moved back upward again, his lips parted, his

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