Sexy Girls
    We finish dinner and I pay our bill while Mistress Myst nurses her coffee. We wait for an opportunity. I get lucky. Not five minutes later, Miss Cho gets up and goes to the ladies room. Slowly, I stand up and start walking. Mistress Myst follows me. In a stage voice she tells me to pretend we first saw Master Garrett on our way out of the restaurant. I wet my lips, fluff my hair, hold my tummy firm and pull my shoulders back. I strut slowly and turn on all my charms.
    Half-way there, Master Garrett notices me, make eye contact and smiles his incredibly warm smile. My walk slows and takes an eternity, yet, we finally make it to his table.
    Mistress Myst speaks. “Hello Stevie, are you alone?”
    He breaks his stare from my body and looks at Mistress Myst. “Oh, no, hello Cyndie, I'm with someone.”
    Master Garrett blushes. Then, he makes eye contact with me again. “Hello Andi, God, it's so good to see you again. You look incredible.”
    I can't speak. Thank God I think of something and lean over and kiss him right on the lips. That kiss is electric.
    I whisper, quietly, in his ear, “I love you!”
    Master Garrett looks at me strangely, but happily, wondering what is going on.
    I have made a big impression as Master Garrett also says, “Andi, you look fantastic.”
    He stares at my chest most of the time he talks to Mistress Myst. He sees the strange metal on my nipples and isn't sure what they are. He asks and Mistress Myst answers that we are playing a girl's game; Master Garrett smiles.
    We say our goodbyes and I give Master Garrett a second, longer kiss. He places his right hand on my left hip to prolong the moment. My bare skin tingles underneath. Our tongues touch.
    I whisper, “Ignore what you see tonight, I want you!”
    As I walk away I begin to cry uncontrollably. I know Master Garrett is looking at my legs and my thigh-high stockings with the pink seams up the back. Plus, I hope he notices that my little dress totally displays my behind and my cheeks move with each of my strides.
    Halfway to the door, I turn and see him staring at me. We make eye contact. I wink at him and he winks back.
    Master Garrett and I continue to look at each other and he sees the tears streaming down my face. He stands up. He's coming to rescue me.
    But, Miss Cho comes out of the bathroom. She's only five feet in front of me. She doesn't see me, but blocks Master Garrett's view of me. When I see Master Garrett again, I see he has stopped walking. He helps her get seated. He takes one last quick glimpse at me, winks again, then, turns back to Miss Cho.
    Outside, my tears won't stop. I am so sad that I only had two minutes with Master Garrett. I didn't dare stay at his table any longer because I didn't want Miss Cho to see me.
    My whole body aches for more of Master Garrett. My left hip is warm still, from his touch. I don't feel the cold. I don't feel the pain. I don't see people's stares. I don't hear anything.
    I feel the tears running down my cheeks, bouncing on my breasts, wetting my dress, exposing the shape and size of my nipples.
    We walk and walk and I cry and dream. Mistress leads me to a quiet park bench. We sit down and she lets me get it all out.
    â€œWhen will I be able to start dating Master Garrett?”
    â€œI think you'll be with him by next spring.”
    Suddenly, I am so happy. “Oh my God, do you really think that's possible?”
    â€œYes, trust me. You made quite an impression on Master Garrett.”
    â€œAre you sure, Mistress?”
    â€œBelieve me, I know him. I've never seen anything like it. You two totally connected. You have a special place in his heart.”
    â€œYou do too, Mistress.”
    â€œYes, but it's different with you.”
    â€œI wish Stevie to be free.”
    Mistress adds, “Remember, he is free and you are not and he knows it. He is a gentleman. He won't date you while you are married, or, until you file for

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