Sexy As Hell

Sexy As Hell by Andrea Laurence

Book: Sexy As Hell by Andrea Laurence Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrea Laurence
Sexy as Hell
    A More Than Men Novella
    Andrea Laurence
    Written by Andrea Laurence
    Published by Andrea Laurence
    Copyright 2012 Andrea Laurence
    Cover Art Design by Hot Damn Designs
    All rights reserved. Except for the use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or part in any form by electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the written permission of the author, Andrea Laurence, [email protected] .
    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblances to the actions persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.
    Other books by Andrea Laurence
    Harlequin Desire Series
    What Lies Beneath
    More Than He Expected
    Undeniable Demands*
    A Very Exclusive Engagement
    *Secrets of Eden Series
    Independently Published:
    Sexy As Hell**
      **A More Than Men Novella
    9:12 A.M.
    " Tell me you want me . "
    Camille’s long blonde hair spilled across Seth's chest. Her thighs straddled him, the muscles clamped tightly to his hips. Every move of her body sent a shockwave through him as she ground her hips against the full length of his erection. He yearned to reach out and touch her, but she’d pinned his arms over his head. She had a disturbing amount of strength for such a lithe figure.
    The only thing between them was the thin slip of her red lace panties. If his hands were free, he’d rip them off and dive into her warmth before she could say a word about it. But his wrists still held fast in her hands. All he could do was grit his teeth and pray she wouldn’t tease him for much longer. But he wouldn’t beg. He refused to, despite the fact that he'd waited months for this moment. Hell, he'd waited a millennium at least for a woman like Camille, although time had gotten a little fluid to him.
    " Tell me you want me, " she said again, leaning down and whispering the words into his ear. Her hot breath stung the sensitive flesh of his neck and sent a spike of hot need down his spine.
    " You know I do, " he growled between gritted teeth. He leaned his head up off the pillow to bite at her earlobe, but she pulled away. " Let go of my hands a nd I’ll show you just how much. "
    She gazed down at him and laughed. Her laughter was unusually deep, with a sinister edge to it. He'd never heard her make a sound like that. His sweet, southern neighbor was a ray of golden sunshine in his dark, disturbing world. He dismissed the thought as Camille let go of his hands and dragged her razor-sharp fingernails across his bare chest.
    Seth hissed, red welts rising over his skin, but he didn't care. They would heal almost immediately, anyway. Instead he focused on the newfound freedom of his hands. They went immediately to Camille’s waist, tearing her panties from her with a satisfying rip and casting them to the floor.
    " Yes, " she smiled, raising up enough to let him maneuver their bodies and sink deep inside of her.
    The sensation of her wet heat enveloping him was almost more than he could take. Every nerve in his body screamed out for instantaneous release, but he wasn't about to let this end anytime soon. "Damn, you feel good."
    "I know." She tightened her muscles around him, sending a shockwave through his body. Arching back, she started moving over him, slowly at first, then gradually increasing

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