Sex Me Up
the man was furious. But that didn’t stop her from staring at him.
    His dark hair would have hung over his shoulders if it hadn’t been tied back with a thin gold band. Amber eyes glittered at her with hate and derision. Wide, muscular shoulders that looked like they’d barely fit through her door, tapered down to a narrow waist, so defined, she could see the ripples of muscles beneath his shirt. Unconsciously, she licked her lips, and he sneered his revulsion.

    Sex Me Up

    “If this is some trick to get me to reconsider my declaration of war, you can be sure I will not be fooled.”
    “W—war?” Oh, my gods! They’ve gone and done it! They will destroy the world!
    “You know as well as I do Banart— ” he said the word as if it were a curse. “The Savari are not willing to stand about with their digits up their arses while you burn us out of our homes.”
    “Bone-arts?” she stuttered.
    “Do not play the fool with me, female! You are in no position to act the part of the innocent either.” He paced the room, agitatedly running his fingers through his hair. “I must get back to my ship. How will I launch an attack if I cannot reach my people?”
    Jaynee grabbed the sheet from her bed when the sound of loud footsteps sounded on the stairs. Her eyes grew round with fright as she contemplated two complete strangers traipsing about her shop and home. She glanced over at her communicator sitting idle on her nightstand and inched closer. She must call the authorities before someone got hurt.
    “Oh, no you don’t,” the stranger said, grabbing the communicator from her trembling hands.
    “One friend is enough. You are not calling for reinforcements.” He threw the device against the wall and it shattered into a hundred pieces. 7

    Tianna Xander – Bonnie Rose Leigh

    “F—friend?” Was the man delusional? He was the one with friends.
    He grabbed her, turned her around, and placed her in front of him before the bedroom door crashed open.

    * * * *

    Wearing naught but his street rags, Lucan Maedoc stormed up the stairs, prepared to gut the person that summoned him. He’d had the perfect cover, hiding in plain sight within feet of the Carrillian Rebel headquarters. The leader of the Savari , Dare Raden, was supposed to meet with them tonight and Lucan planned to gather whatever
    information he could, then report back to his superiors. If it looked like Raden really meant to fight against the Banart, then he’d arrange a private meeting. But until then, he needed more information about the mysterious ruler of Savar , a mostly forested planet few even knew existed. Just as he intercepted a transmission announcing a delay in the meeting time, he found himself transported from his post to the center of a tiny shop filled with shelves of books and naught much else. His military training immediately kicked in. He needed to ascertain his position and locate any possible enemies, before plotting his next move.

    Sex Me Up

    A quick reconnaissance of the shop showed no one lay in wait downstairs. In fact, nothing about this place, or the town he’d spotted outside the glass, looked familiar to him. After he checked out the loft, he needed to find a way to contact his people.
    How could he determine whether or not war with Savari, as well as the Banart, was necessary if he wasn’t there to actually do any spying?
    Whoever had pulled him out before he completed his mission, better pray he was satisfied with whatever reason they chose to give him, or they’d regret toying with national security this way. He scanned the shop once more before heading toward the stairway behind the counter. A raised voice at the top of the building drew his attention. He tilted his head in amazement. They weren’t even trying to be quiet.
    Shaking his head, he started up the stairs, a stunner wand grasped in one hand, a sharp blade in the other. If someone had brought him here to slaughter him, he’d not go down without one

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