Sex Me Up
finally bring her mate to her. Nothing. Still, she worried, her thoughts troubled as she drifted off to sleep.

    * * * *

    “Earth and water, fire and air, bring me together among a pair.” Jaynee woke just before the moons reached their zenith, tested the words she dreamt and made a face. It was a horrible rhyme. One she wasn’t sure she could recite with a straight face, even alone. Still, what could it hurt? If like the others it didn’t work, she merely had to wait another month anyway. To her way of thinking, this way she would be a month ahead. Besides, there must be some reason she awoke just moments before the three moons merged in the 3

    Tianna Xander – Bonnie Rose Leigh

    She ran down the stairs and out into her backyard, grabbing a bottle of wine and her ritual chalice on the way out. Nervousness and anxiety ate at her. Lifting the open bottle to her mouth, she took a few healthy belts of the ceremonial wine before making her way to the center of her garden maze.
    After pouring a more than generous amount in the cup and with no preparation, no lit tapers and as some would say no common sense, she raised her eyes and hands to the sky then recited her spell.
    “Earth and water, fire and air, bring me together among a pair. Eyes of amber, eyes of green, bring to me what I have seen. Hair of walnut, hair of gold, embodied as in times of old.”
    The wine started to take effect and her words began to slur.
    “Pure of honor, heart and mind, bring me the love of all time. Kind and gentle, strong and wise, let’s not forget, large in size.”
    Jaynee burped and giggled, laughing at her slurring words. Perhaps she shouldn’t have drank so much. She shrugged. Now where was I? Oh yeah .
    “As surely as I drink of this cup, have my lover sex me up. Oh, Great Moon Goddess, I pray to thee, bring this love here to me. As I will it, so mote it be.”

    Sex Me Up

    The cool breeze and a rumble of thunder in the distance made her rub her arms. There must be a storm brewing. She should get inside and await her fate. Whether it would still be loneliness, or regret, she didn’t know. She weaved and bobbed, stumbling, as she slowly made her way to the back door. She paused and looked into the shop. She could have sworn she saw someone standing by the front door.
    She shook her head. It was most likely a window shopper. Her first customer of the day tomorrow, no doubt. She glanced at the glowing timekeeper above the door and her eyes widened. It was way past her bedtime and she needed to get up early tomorrow. There was much preparation to do for next month’s attempt at drawing a mate. She stumbled back up the stairs, heading for her bed, and fell onto it exhausted. Still, sleep refused to come. Some sense of anticipation kept her eyes from closing. The rhythmic ticking of the timekeeper on her nightstand kept her awake and staring at the mirrored ceiling over her bed. The steady hum of hovercraft passing beneath her window bothered her to no end, when usually it lulled her to sleep with certain comfort. Only when the nightlife below her window lulled and she muted the glow of the timekeeper with her blouse, did she slip into the peaceful world of the oblivious at last.

    Tianna Xander – Bonnie Rose Leigh

    * * * *

    “Where am I and why did you summon me here?”
    a man snarled as he grabbed her arm and dragged her from beneath the warmth of her blankets. Jaynee squealed out a protest as he switched on her light, dragged her semi-clad form from her bed, and stood glaring at her.
    “What are you doing in my room?” she
    demanded. Only, once she stood shivering beneath his icy glare, did she really look at the tall man in front of her. Her heart stuttered in her chest as she realized he epitomized the talk, dark, and handsome, she’d often read about in the Romancer Tomes she sold in her store. Towering over her the way he did, wearing a scowl even a Werewolf would be terrified of, there was no mistaking

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