Sex Me Down
only he’d been more vigilant. If only he hadn’t been so intent on searching worlds to find suitable mates for his people. Their blood had grown thin. They could no longer breed among their own kind. With too few separate families they needed new blood. He refused to marry his cousin. The idea of that sickened him.
    He tried to sleep, knowing he would need his strength the moment the opportunity to escape presented itself. He’d slept standing up before though it wouldn’t do to let them know that. It would be no hardship to do so again. Fane relaxed into his bonds when he heard footsteps beyond the door. He intended to escape and if he managed that feat, he would be the first nonconformist to ever speak of the Banart . His people never involved themselves in wars before now, but this enemy knew no words such as neutrality. They came. They conquered. They 6

    Sex Me Down

    killed. Entire worlds were destroyed beneath the Banart’s cruelty. And until now, no one knew what the Banarts looked like. He glanced up at the man who entered his small cell and smiled mirthlessly. He refused to die. He would never go to his end knowing the man who killed him had taken on the shape of the one person he respected most. His father.
    Apparently the Banarts could shift at will. They became the people they conquered—most likely to make it easier to infiltrate their ranks. He must escape. He must get to his people before his enemy found out their location. He hadn’t broken yet, but he feared he may, given enough of their torture. He wasn’t a weak Tigerian —none of them were—but he grew weaker every day under his host’s careful ministrations.
    “Tell me where you are from,” the man reached out with the pain rod and threatened to shove it against his balls again.
    Fane stood firm, his expression didn’t change from contempt to fear the way his captor had hoped. He didn’t know what type of creatures the Banarts truly were, but one thing was certain. They had the ability to shift their form at will and someone had to warn his people. He would prove his worth to the council. They may not want to listen to him on the subject of mating but, by the Goddess, they would listen to him about this. 7

    Tianna Xander and Bonnie Rose Leigh

    He stared back at the cruel creature, the defiance showing in his eyes. “I will not betray my people and you will not force me to.”
    The man kicked him, using the pain rod against the back of his thighs.
    “Thank you. My feet were sore anyway,” he said, provoking the man.
    The Banart’s anger was close to the surface. Fane could see it. The exact duplicate of his father paced in front of him, nearly shaking with the effort to control his ire, and Fane almost smiled. He was close, so close to angering the creature before him. He wanted to laugh, to shout with triumph, but he stood silent, willing his captor to finally show him his ire—to show him one weakness he could exploit.
    It came most unexpectedly. One moment the man paced before him, the next he’d hunched over, shuddering, stuck between forms. One form was his father’s tall well-built frame, the other was that of a diminutive creature with gray skin and small black eyes. The creature stood before him. It continued to spasm as the pain rod fell from its grip.
    Fane wanted to growl, to roar with triumph. Instead, he concentrated on the change. He pushed it faster than he ever had before. He had to escape. His muscles thickened, bones popped and cracked. His arms became the heavily muscled 8

    Sex Me Down

    forepaws of the large tiger he knew he could become. His legs, too large for the manacles that were tight on the man, burst the shackles to pieces and he landed on the floor on all four paws. He looked at the smaller creature as it faded in and out and wondered if that was what a Banart truly looked like. He may never know. He stepped over the pain rod, hitting it with his paw. It slammed against the wall and broke. Then he

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