Sex Me Down
be calling your mates to you, Laynee, but you three shall be the next triad necessary to the coming war. Many of us are needed to defeat the Banarts .”
    Unwilling for her sister and her mates to see her fear, she lowered her head to her chest and closed her eyes in thought. By the Goddess, the Banarts were feared in every known universe across the galaxy. How could she, a glorified librarian and bookseller, help defeat them? She was a nobody. She had no courage. No strength. Nothing inside her that could be used in such a battle. No matter what her sister believed, she was obviously mistaken if she thought that the Lady Goddess had told Jaynee her shy sister was the next to be called to this duty.
    Feeling defeated, Laynee clenched her fists and sighed before raising her head and meeting Jaynee’s gaze through the communication’s terminal.
    “I know that look, Laynee. Have faith in the 3

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    Lady Goddess. Have faith in me. I would never steer you wrong.”
    “And if you’re not wrong… What should I do?”
    “I received the words to the spell in a dream the night of the three moon’s alignment. Spend the next few weeks coming up with a spell of your own using the pages of the book I sent you before my own mating, but if you dream have faith in what it tells you. Believe in the Lady Goddess, but above all, believe in yourself, Laynee.”
    “I’ll try, Jaynee. That’s all I can promise you.”
    “That’s all I can ask. I must go, sissy. There is a meeting we must attend and time grows short. I’ve sent you the frequency of our quarters so you can always reach us in an emergency. Take care.”
    “Take care, Jaynee and many blessings on your mating.”
    “Thank you and may the Lady Goddess bless you. Give my love to mother and father.”
    As the vid-screen went dark, Laynee slouched in her seat. In frustrated silence, she ran her hands through her hair, grimacing as they got caught in the knots that seemed to perpetually form, even moments after brushing her wild black mane. Laynee pushed her chair back and stood, needing to walk off some of her anxiety. Even though her apartment was tiny, a little pacing room was better than none.
    If only Jaynee knew how hard it was to live up 4

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    to her. She’d never been outgoing and adventurous. She’d never been spontaneous or the life of the party. If she believed, took that leap of faith, she didn’t know where she’d land. Could she do that? Could she really rely on blind faith that everything would work out as it should? She just didn’t know.

    * * * *
    With his head lowered to his chest, Fane used his hair to shield his eyes as he watched his captor pace in front of him. After weeks of torture, his Banart guard had been unable to force Fane to answer any of his questions and from the looks of things, his patience—if one could call the systematic and endless beatings that went on for days, patience—had reached its limits. Fane could feel the creature’s anger, could sense the hate hanging in the air ready to pounce on him at any time. He ignored the pain in his outstretched shoulders where he’d been manacled to the wall. He ignored the broken ribs that made breathing difficult. The cuts along his torso where his tormentor tried bleeding the answers out of him were but a nuisance at this point. He could even ignore the burn marks on his balls from the pain rod he’d been repeatedly zapped with. He could ignore it all, knowing full well that soon his 5

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    captor would let his anger take over his common sense. When that happened, he’d finally get a chance to see his enemy’s weakness. Once he knew that, all bets were off. That’s when he would finally let the beast that lived inside him take control.
    He hung limply from the manacles on the wall. He’d tried breaking the bonds, but he wasn’t strong enough in this form. His captors had weakened him too much. If

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