Sex Ed

Sex Ed by Myla Jackson

Book: Sex Ed by Myla Jackson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Myla Jackson
had taught him, and he was doing so wel . Kendal should have moved off the stage and let him bring another woman up onto stage. One with money burning a hole in her pocket.
    Kendal straightened, laughing. "You're on your own, Cory."
    Cory jerked away and a larger pair of hands clamped around her waist, holding her in place.
    "What the hel ?" When she twisted toward her captor, he refused to let her, his hips pumping to the rhythm of the music, his hands sliding up her waist.

    Cory danced by with a shrug and a grin.
    Kendal ’s heart raced, defensive instincts kicking in. "Let go of me."
    Chaps flapped against her legs. Chaps that barely covered the massive thighs beneath them.
    Kendal 's heart raced and a slow burn skimmed beneath every inch of her skin. A quick glance over her shoulder did nothing to quel the rise of heat in her body. The man behind her wore a cowboy hat and a black mask. "Who are you?"
    The man's mouth curved upward in a deadly sexy smile. "The Lone Ranger, ma'am. Here to rescue you," he said in a deep voice.
    So deep, Kendal could have fal en into it. Her breath grew ragged as the cowboy's hands slid up from her waist to cup her breasts. Kendal leaned back into him, his tough leather and man-musk scent making her knees weak. "No, real y." Her voice ragged, she swal owed hard and continued. "Who are you?"
    "Ride with me into the sunset, beautiful lady, and I'l reveal al ."
    Her heart skipped several beats then raced to catch up. Hel , what was she thinking? She loved Ed, not this sexy cowboy who danced in strip clubs. "No.
    No, I can't. I have a boyfriend. I'm practical y engaged."
    He spun her away from him and back into his arms so that she faced him. "This Cory dude is not the man for you."
    Her boobs crashed into his naked chest, forcing her breath out in a gasp. Kendal stared into the man's sky blue eyes.
    He lifted his cowboy hat and winked.
    "Ed?" Joy swel ed in her chest as Kendal stood stock stil in the middle of the dance floor. "What are you doing here?"

    "Keeping you from making a mistake with pretty boy." He nodded his head toward Cory.
    "By dancing naked in front of al these barracudas?" She shook her head and laughed out loud. "Real y, why are you here?"
    "That's just it. I couldn't let you go out on a date with Cory. He's not the right man for you."
    Irritation straightened her spine. Kendal planted her fists on her hips and faced off with Ed Judson.
    "No? Then who is, Ed? Who is the right man for me?"
    Ed opened his mouth to answer, but before any words could come out, Big Joe Sealy plucked Kendal from the stage and set her on the barroom floor. "Time's up, Kendal . Let one of the other ladies have a shot at the cowboy."
    "But, Joe, I need to be up there." Kendal placed her hands on the wooden surface and tried to climb back up.

    Big Joe planted a heavy hand on her shoulder.
    With the other hand, he helped a forty-something bleach blonde climb onto the stage where she immediately flung herself into Ed's arms.
    A surge of jealousy ripped through Kendal 's gut.
    Ed peeled the woman's death grip from around his neck, and he spun her away from him and back.
    His moves were not nearly as practiced or suggestive as the other strippers, but stil fun to watch. When he turned his back to the audience, Kendal gasped and clapped a hand to her mouth.
    Ed's very tight, very manly ass shone like a neon moon.
    Women roared and surged toward the stage, bil s clenched in their fists or hanging from their teeth. They shoved Kendal out of the way, pushing her farther and farther away from the cowboy and his gorgeous tush.

    The blonde in Ed's arms pul ed her top over her head and flung it out into the crowd. Wearing nothing but a black demi-bra, the woman jumped up and wrapped her legs around Ed's waist, pressing her D
    cups into his face. She yanked his hat off his head and waved it in the air, shouting, "Ride me, cowboy!"
    Ed's eyes widened and he looked out into the crowd. When he caught a glimpse of

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