Sex and the Social Network

Sex and the Social Network by Victoria Lexington

Book: Sex and the Social Network by Victoria Lexington Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victoria Lexington
time and our relationship seemed meaningless to him. So, too, were my feelings.
    For the last of couple years, I had felt myself pulling more and more away from Aaron, but until now I’d had nowhere to go. Now, when he pushed me away with his thoughtlessness, he was driving me right into the arms of Tyrone.
    Arielle and I delighted in the dinner and dessert we had “expertly” prepared.
    “You’re so yummy, Mommy.” Arielle gleamed with brownie crumbs all over her mouth.
    I kissed the crumbs off her face, and her laughter was the sweetest sound in the universe. After a quick bath and a bit of story time, my baby girl was fast asleep, dreaming sweet dreams in her Pottery Barn garden-themed bedroom.
    I had avoided logging on to Facebook all day. I knew if Tyrone hadn’t emailed me, I’d be sad. I honestly didn’t think I could handle any more disappointment that day. So I turned on the TV, but after I’d flipped through all five hundred channels and determined that nothing was on, I pulled my iPhone off of the nightstand and opened Facebook’s virtual treasure chest. I smiled when I saw Ty had sent me an email a few hours prior and asked me to say “hi” on chat if I was around. It was like he was waiting for me, needing me, ready to cater to my every desire. I couldn’t resist.
    JULIA: Hey, Ty. I just got your message. How was your day?
    TYRONE: It was good. Better now that I get to say hi to my favorite cougar.
    I immediately felt better; all the stress of my day seemed to melt away.
    TYRONE: I missed you today.
    JULIA: I missed you too. I get turned on just thinking about you.
    TYRONE: My mouth is watering, thinking about lapping up your juices.
    JULIA: I want that BAD. And then I want you to fuck my face.
    TYRONE: Oh, sugar lips, just the idea of your moist mouth gets me so hard.
    TYRONE: I’m going to email you a picture of what you do to me.
    I sat in my bed with my head propped against a billow of satiny soft pillows. In my hand, I held a picture of Ty’s beautiful dick. It was hard and long and thick, just like he’d promised. I bit the side of my tongue and ran my hand down my body. I closed my eyes for a moment and imagined how he would feel inside of me.
    JULIA: Holy shit, Ty. Your cock is fantastic. You might be too big for me!
    TYRONE: LOL, you’ll love it.
    JULIA: Seriously, Ty, that is the biggest, most delicious looking cock I have ever seen.
    TYRONE: It’s yours if you want it, sweetheart.
    JULIA: I’m not sure if it will even fit!
    TYRONE: Don’t worry about that. After I make out with your pussy for an hour, you will be soaking and I’ll slide right in. We can take it nice and slow if we have to.
    JULIA: Goddamnit, now I’m horny again. I might have to pull out my vibrator.
    TYRONE: Ok, doll, but you know my talents are far superior to any toy you have.
    JULIA: I’m sure….
    TYRONE: D-cells are no match for my tongue. You'll be riding my face and screaming like you’ve never cum before. You’ll squirt so hard, you’ll soak the sheets.
    JULIA: I’d love that. I haven’t cum like that in years, not even sure if I still can.
    TYRONE: Then you’re in luck. I am a master at cunt-lapping. Never met a woman I couldn’t get to squirt. You just need a man to spend time learning how to play your body like the finely tuned instrument it is. You’re a Stradivarius, you are.
    That was it: the straw that broke the camel’s back. My body was dying to feel that again, the buildup, the waves of pleasure that racked my body till it surrendered and released in a flood of fluid. I didn’t think there was any turning back at this point.
    JULIA: Holy shit, for real? You're not just saying that because you want to have sex with me?
    TYRONE: Oh, I want to fuck you, don't get me wrong, but I really am a master, and you’re so sexy I’m dying to taste you.
    JULIA: OMG, every time you say stuff like that I get so wet. My pussy starts to pulsate just thinking about what

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