Sewing in Circles

Sewing in Circles by Chloe Taylor Page B

Book: Sewing in Circles by Chloe Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chloe Taylor
display materials,” Zoey said.
    â€œThe booth looks amazing,” Kate said. “And thescarves and headbands with Ezra’s art came out so well!”
    â€œLet’s go look at the rest of the fair with Ezra, then we’ll come back,” Priti suggested.
    The four of them trooped off to look around, and Zoey sold a few more bracelets and a headband in the meantime. She also had another visitor: Ivy, who stood by the booth, looking awkward.
    â€œHey, Ivy,” Zoey said. “How do you like the gift fair?”
    â€œIt’s pretty good,” Ivy said. She glanced over at the display of bracelets. “Listen, Zoey, I . . . want to say . . . well, I’m sorry about how I acted when I found out the bracelet wasn’t the store brand. I was just really embarrassed when Emily called me out on it in industrial arts in front of everyone. Plus, I really thought it was the real deal. It looked really good.”
    â€œIt’s okay,” Zoey said. “I was just trying to do something to make your life easier.”
    â€œI know,” Ivy said. “It was nice of you to think of me. See, I’m wearing the bracelet again.”
    â€œGreat,” Zoey said. “So . . . how are things going?”
    â€œNot so good. My dad still hasn’t found a job.” Ivy sighed. “He’s pretty depressed about it, and Mom is working really hard all the time.”
    â€œI hope things get better soon,” Zoey said.
    â€œYeah, me too,” Ivy said. “Anyway, I better get going. Emily texted me she’s going to be here with her mom, and I don’t want to bump into her. She’ll probably try to make me buy things with money I don’t have right now.” She waved good-bye. “See you in school. By the way, the booth looks great!”
    Not long after Ivy walked away, Kate, Priti, and Libby came back.
    â€œWhat did Ivy want?” Kate asked.
    â€œWe saw her here talking to you,” explained Libby.
    â€œYeah, she seemed . . . almost friendly!” Priti said.
    â€œShe was friendly,” Zoey replied. But she’d made a firm promise to Ivy that she’d keep her family’s situation a secret. How was she supposed to explain why Ivy was being nice to her without giving anything away?
    â€œWhat’s come over her?” Libby asked.
    â€œI . . . well, I did something nice for her, and I guess she appreciated it, so she’s warming up to me or something,” Zoey explained.
    â€œIvy?” Kate said. “I find it hard to believe that she’s changed her spots so quickly.”
    â€œBut I think she has,” Zoey said. “Maybe she’s just . . . getting better at seeing other people’s points of view?”
    â€œI know you’ve hinted that she’s been behaving differently lately,” Libby said. “But . . . I’m with Kate. I still think you should be really careful.”
    â€œI don’t know,” Priti said. “Now that I think about it, Ivy has been more friendly in class—just not when Emily is around. Maybe we should give her the benefit of the doubt.”
    â€œWe should,” Zoey said. “At least I think so.”
    â€œWell . . . if you think so,” Libby said.
    â€œI’ll try,” Kate said. “It’s hard after how mean she’s been. But if Zoey can do it, so can I.”
    The girls decided to go look around some more. Zoey didn’t mind, because traffic was picking up, and she was starting to make more sales.
    â€œCome look at these adorable bracelets!” a woman said. She reached out and pulled her daughter, who’d been hiding behind her, to the front of the booth.
    It was Emily.
    â€œIsn’t this one with the ice-cream cones just the cutest thing?” Emily’s mother said. “I’m going to get it for your sister. Why don’t you pick one

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