Seven Days: The Complete Story
be that hard, can it?”
laughs again. “What? Like ‘nice arse’ or ‘check out the legs on
    “I don’t think
we need to take it that far,” I admonish. “I feel bad enough as it
is without your contribution to the scam.”
    “You do
realise you’re gonna owe me for this?” Joel steps very close. I
feel his hip touching my side. His body heat mingles with mine as
he puts his lips to my ear. “Big time.”
    I lower my
voice to meet his. “And how do you propose I pay you back?”
    “I’m sure I
can think of something. Later.”
    A delicious
shiver runs down my spine.
    Around about
then, Emily reappears. It’s been a good ten minutes and she’s
grinning cheekily; despite the fact that I’ve just informed her
that the man she wants is off limits. Then I see the reason why.
Between the loos and the bar, my best friend seems to have acquired
a male friend of her own. He’s very sophisticated looking and like
her, entirely in black — sooty hair, black shirt and shoes. He’s
even got the tight black pants Emily finds so adorable on a guy,
not jeans but actual expensively cut trousers.
    “This is
Alex,” Emily says. “He’s a graphic designer.”
    “Alex, this is
my best friend Sadie, and this is Nicholas and Joel.”
shakes hands, has a drink, talks about stupid stuff you talk about
when you meet someone for the first time. We move on to the latest
bands, which of us has tickets to what music festival over the
summer and the places we like to eat in the city. Throughout the
entire conversation there’s a hand on my bottom, caressing it and
I’m assuming it’s Nicholas’ —seeing that Joel’s gay— but
either way I don’t care, it’s turning me on something shocking. I
can feel the excitement building with each tiny squeeze, every
subtle rub of flesh over cloth.
    Then we dance
and it’s subtly sexy. Emily is so engrossed with Alex she hasn’t
seemed to twig that I’m doing the threesome version of Dirty
Dancing and at one point I mistakenly kiss Joel because I’m
feeling so turned on. At least I hope she didn’t notice, because in
the very next instance I seem to be kissing Nicholas. The whole
thing is like a blur of bodies and lips and I’m loving every
minute. Finally, we’re so sweaty it’s time to call quits on the
dancing so we head back to the bar and Emily sends Alex to order
another round. I raise my eyebrows in her direction while his back
is turned.
    “He seems
nice,” I mouth, nodding.
    “And sooo cute,” she mouths back and moves closer to me so we can
put our heads together. “Not a sign of arsehole so far,” she
    “In fact, I’m
thinking he and I need to go somewhere so we can get to know each
other a little better.”
    “Oh Emily,
you’re not going to shag him are you? You promised you’d stop
hooking up with random boys. You’ve only just met.”
    “I wasn’t
thinking anything of the sort… for a change. What I meant was that
maybe I could coax him into going for a walk on the beach or
something. You know, to talk. Do you think he’d be up for it? He
won’t see it as an invitation to throw me in the sand and have his
way with me, will he?”
    I glance over
to the bar where Alex is paying for drinks. He’s been very
attentive to Emily. “I don’t think so. If you let him know you want
to take things slowly I think it’ll be okay—”
    As opposed to
myself who is about to have my way with two men.
    “—But can you
text me and let me know what you’re up to?” I add. “So I know
you’re safe? I mean, Alex seems nice, but people can change once
they get in the dark and I don’t want you out there alone without
me knowing where you are.”
    “The key to
the cottage is under the frog statue near the front steps, if you
get home before I do and there’s a spare toothbrush in my bag if
you need one.”
    “I’m not gonna
ask why you brought a spare

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