Sergey: Love Me Harder

Sergey: Love Me Harder by Serena Simpson

Book: Sergey: Love Me Harder by Serena Simpson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Serena Simpson
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    “I’ve a feeling that it won’t even take a whole week to fall deeply in love with you. Do we still have time?”
    She lowered her head and kissed him. She forgot about the appropriate time it took to fall in love and concentrated on loving the male beneath her.
    “They can wait.”
    She laughed as he turned her over. Her laugh quickly turned into sighs and moans as he nipped a nipple before sucking it into his mouth.
    She arched up, allowing the pleasure to flow through her. She closed her eyes as she felt him tugging on her. She’d never felt this good before. She’d known that sex, no, making love, could be this good, but knowing and experiencing were two different things.
    She opened her eyes to find his animal was back. She smiled, not scared of him.
    “I love you.” The voice was so different from Sergey’s, but still the same.
    “Sergey?” His head nodded.
    “I love you.”
    His animal was talking to her, that part that she wanted to classify as beast, something to be scared of, but also not human. How could she have forgotten that Sergey was alien and what lived in him was also alien?
    “You’re sentient.” Not just some animal to run and hide from, but a sentient humanoid.
    He nodded his head.
    “You love me?”
    He nodded again.
    “How do you know I’m your mate? Is it the way I smell? My hair or eye color? The color of my skin? What makes you think we’re meant to be together?” She asked.
    His chocolate eyes pierced hers. Then he raised his hand and placed it slightly to his right. “Heart.”
    He lifted a finger with a claw on the end tracing the tracks of her tears. When had she become afraid to trust her heart?
    She lifted her hand and patted his chest, enjoying the feel of him on her fingertips. She shifted slightly, encouraging her male to take her. The feel of his hardness as he touched her brought a smile to her lips, along with a moan of need.
    “Yes.” She whispered, encouraging him to slide home.
    With one shift of his hips he impaled her, driving the breath out of her lungs. She thrust up, as he pulled back allowing his hips to swing. Her legs circled him as she hung on.
    He moved and she took it all in. Oh it was good, but it was so much more than physical. She felt like she was coming home. Her heart was opening. The wider it opened, the more he invaded it, filling her with his warmth, love and caring.
    She could still feel tears on her face. Not tears of heartache or pain, but tears of joy. When was the last time she cried over something because it made her happy?
    He thrust deeper and she cried out. That’s when she saw it. A vision. A dream. Who cared what it was called?
    She saw herself with a large belly sitting in a rocking chair. She had a smile on her lips and she was looking at someone. There on the rug before her was Sergey tussling with a little boy. They both looked up at her with grins on their faces.
    The little boy ran to her crying, momma. She gave him a big hug before his father came over and lifted him high on his shoulders. ‘Careful of mommy’s belly.’ Sergey leaned down and kissed her.
    “You’re my heart.” He said.
    Her body came apart and she screamed in pleasure.

Chapter Seventeen
    The scene in front of Lorali was chaos. The kind that made you want to dive right into all of the fun. The women were teasing the males, their brothers, then encouraging their mates to defend their honor.
    Their clueless mates were taking up their battles and everyone had a smile or laughter on their lips.
    Lorali watched as they played, knowing that soon they would be getting down to the business of what had happened earlier.
    Aran lifted his hand, a silent command to calm down. Everyone settled back. Lorali found herself leaning against Sergey, allowing his warmth and strength to calm her.
    “Lorali, tell us what happened today.” Aran spoke, his voice never raising, but the command clearly heard.
    She almost felt the need to

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