Sergei's Stubborn Captive (The Captive Series Book 3)

Sergei's Stubborn Captive (The Captive Series Book 3) by C.M. Steele

Book: Sergei's Stubborn Captive (The Captive Series Book 3) by C.M. Steele Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.M. Steele
good night.”
    “I already did. She didn’t say it back, but I didn’t expect it,” he replied, sounding dejected.
    “She cares though.” Nikolai saw all the signs that Sergei had missed before, but he let Sergei figure it out on his own.
    “Yeah, she does.” He knew that for sure.
    Sergei hung up the phone and walked back to the bedroom to see Lana sleeping peacefully. After taking a piss, he walked back to the bed, stripped and wrapped himself around her. She didn’t wake; she only hummed and snuggled in his arms, causing him to smile.
    “I can’t find her, Nikolai. She’s gone!” I howled. We searched everywhere, but we couldn’t find her. Then I saw the chief, on duty going into the café for lunch. I closed my eyes and ran to my truck. I had to get there now. I didn’t wait for anyone to follow me. I needed to get there in time.
    When I got to the chief’s house, I saw her car, but I didn’t see Lana. Running to the house, I spotted something by the back gate. I rushed there to see her. She was lying there, clothes torn and her face bloodied. I reached for her and she was cold. Pulling her underwear from around her throat, I tried to bring her back, but it was hopeless.
    “Lana!” I cried, my heart being torn to pieces as I looked down at her lifeless body in my arms.
    Sergei woke up in the middle of the night after having a nightmare. He dreamed that he was too late to save Lana. He sat up with his heart pounding and sweat dripping down his face. Turning to check on her, he saw she was no longer there.
    Sergei jumped out of the bed frantically. He didn’t bother to put any clothes on as he charged through the house searching for her. He was huffing by the time he found her in the kitchen, wearing just a pair of light pink panties and drinking a glass of water.
    “Hey, you’re awake. Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you. What’s up?” Lana asked.
    He must look like a psychotic beast. After his dream that scared him to death, to wake up and find her missing made him think his worst nightmare had come true. Sergei walked around the island without responding and with the feral look in his eyes that he knew must be worrying her. Sergei pulled her into his arms and looked deeply into her eyes before bending his head and kissing the breath out of her. Pulling away he looked down at her and growled, “Don’t do that again.”
    Perplexed, Lana asked, “Do what?”
    He leaned on the counter with his head down. Taking a deep breath, he turned his head to gaze up at her. “Scare me like that.”
    Lana’s face dropped, but she tried to lighten the mood and said, “Did you think I ran again? This is my house remember?”
    Sergei ran his hand through his hair, down to his face and over again. Giving her a grimace, he grumbled, “Fuck…I just had a fucked up dream, and I woke up and you were gone.”
    “I’m not going anywhere. I don’t want to run again,” Lana whispered as she looked up at her big, strong yet vulnerable handsome devil.
    “That’s good, baby. That’s really good.” His mouth attacked hers again. This time Sergei didn’t pull away, and instead he lifted her onto the island. Bending down, he slid her panties down slowly down her legs, caressing her smooth skin and kissing the tops of her feet. He peered back up at her with a smoldering smirk before swiftly parting her thighs and pushing his tongue into her pussy.
    “Ah!” Lana cried out as he sent the first tingle of pleasure coursing through her. Sergei parted her lips and his tongue lapped up the building wetness. Gripping her thighs, he pulled her closer to his lips. Groaning, he dropped to his knees and started to bite, lick and play with her pussy. He could feel his dick hit the cold floor which helped calm his raging erection as he ate her out to his heart’s content.
    Lana shook as she came for him. He rose up and in one swift thrust, he sunk into her wet heat. “Ah,” she moaned.
    “Lana. Lana. Lana.” He chanted her

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