Serengeti Heat
prey on my mind tonight.”
    Ava smiled, feeling a female, feline power she had never known before this man came into her life. “You’ll have to catch me first.”
    She leapt from the platform, shifting in the air, and landed on all fours in a run. She heard a masculine chuckle transform into a distinctly leonine sound and the sounds of pursuit behind her, but she did not look back. She raced through the compound toward his bungalow, feeling him close on her heels, knowing he was letting her win, matching his pace to hers, but she didn’t care. For once it wasn’t about being the fastest or the strongest, just about running with her mate. Laughter she couldn’t express in this form bubbled in her heart like champagne.
    She bounded up onto the front step of his bungalow inches in front of Landon, shifting as he did. His arms wrapped around her and he pressed her against the door, his stunning heat and strength warming her to her core. His mouth closed over hers. Ava’s dizzy happiness would not be contained and she laughed against his lips, coiling her arms around him.
    She felt him fumbling for the doorknob. He drew back from the laughing kiss, a small frown pinching his eyebrows as he raised his hand between them. Dangling from his fingers was the green-gold pendant. Ava gasped and Landon arched his brow in question.
    “What is it? Some kind of pride mating medallion?”
    Ava laughed. “Something like that.” She raised her hand and cupped the pendant in her hand, smiling to herself. Shana must have run here to leave it for her. Ava’s eyes filled with tears and she blinked them back, surprising herself by how affected she was by Shana’s small concession. Landon was still frowning, now with concern. She reassured him with a blinding smile. “You know, love, I think your idealistic fantasy might just have a chance of working.”
    His frown eased into a cocky grin. “I never doubted it for a second.”
    She held the pendant up next to her mate’s eyes, comparing the color. She sighed, “Perfect.”
    He traced the curve of her face with one finger, his eyes trained steadily on hers. “My thoughts exactly.”
    She raised up on her tiptoes to meet his kiss, a wild dizzy heat spiraling through her body at the first brush of contact. He shoved the door open and swept her into his arms. Landon carried her across the threshold and kicked the door shut, all without lifting his mouth from hers. Ava curled into his arms, a feline smile curving the mouth he held captive, and purred.
    He laid her on the bed, lowering himself beside her and she stretched like the cat she was, at home in her skin and in his arms.
    “So there’s only a risk of shifting at climax when I’m in heat?” she asked him as he nuzzled the side of her neck, inhaling deeply.
    “No, anytime you lose control it could happen,” he murmured, sliding down her body.
    Ava arched against him and smiled. “Make me lose control, Landon.”
    Her lover laughed low against her skin and bent his head to do just that.

Look for these titles by Vivi Andrews
    Now Available:
    The Ghost Shrink, the Accidental Gigolo & the Poltergeist Accountant

Brotherly love? Oh hell no…
    Kiss and Kin
    © 2009 Kinsey W. Holley
    A Shifter Dreams story.
    On the surface, court reporter Lark Manning looks like the luckiest girl in the world, blessed with great friends and a wonderful family. Underneath, she harbors a hopelessly unrequited love for the sexy werewolf everyone thinks of as her cousin. Taran rarely notices her except to condescend or lecture. He’s treated her the same way since she was eight years old, and there’s no reason to think he’ll ever change.
    Taran Lloyd, a detective in the Houston Police Department’s Shifters Investigations Unit (SIU), lives for those rare moments he gets to spend around Lark, torturing himself with what he can’t have. Kin only by marriage, she thinks of him as her big brother. He couldn’t bear her pity—or her

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