Sentinel: Reckless Desires (Wolf Shifter Romance) (Alpha Protectors Book 2)

Sentinel: Reckless Desires (Wolf Shifter Romance) (Alpha Protectors Book 2) by Olivia Arran

Book: Sentinel: Reckless Desires (Wolf Shifter Romance) (Alpha Protectors Book 2) by Olivia Arran Read Free Book Online
Authors: Olivia Arran
And to be brutally honest, I wasn’t putting myself out there until I was sure things were going to work out. “Nice touch pretending you didn’t know me, by the way.” I grinned, relaxing completely for what felt like the first time in ages. It was good to have friends here to help lighten the load.
    “Didn’t want to blow your cover,” replied Macey, an answering grin on her face. She had curled up on the couch next to her mate, their fingers loosely linked and providing constant contact.
    My heart ached, a tightness squeezing my chest. I wanted what they had. Not the going at it like rabbits, though that was an obvious perk to being mated. I wanted the closeness, the having someone to share my life with, my worries, my dreams. To not go through this life alone.
    “Are you okay?” Jason’s voice dragged me back out of my thoughts.
    I shook my head, then turned it into a nod. “Let me introduce you to David and get you settled. Then I’ve got to get going.” I opened the adjoining door to the bedroom, indicating that they follow me.
    Macey bounced from the couch, her lips curved in a smirk. “You mean get back to that gorgeous she-wolf, right?”
    I chose to ignore her. I knew Macey well enough by now to know that encouragement only made her worse.
    She bumped shoulders with me, her eyebrows arching. “I’m right, aren’t I? You and her—”
    “I don’t think it’s any of your damn—”
    “I think what he’s trying to say, my love, is to keep your damn cute little snub nose out of it,” Jason interjected, but his lips were curved in a matching smirk.
    Macey threw her hands up in the air, blowing out an exasperated huff. “I can’t help it! I told you, I’ve been getting these weird feelings, like I know which assignment to give to whom. Like the universe is trying to tell me something!”
    “So you said, but it’s not like he’s found his true mate.” Jason was answering Macey, and luckily he didn’t see my face.
    Because I was pretty sure the knowledge was there, plain for everyone to see.
    Then my eyes clashed with the man on the bed, and any hope that my heart wasn’t pinned to my sleeve up and vanished.
    Knowledge glowed in the old man’s eyes.
    But how much did he know, and how much had he guessed?

    * * *
    A ngel was taking his damn time.
    I paced the small room for what must have been the hundredth time, agitation riding me hard. I still couldn’t wrap my head around it. Why had he hidden himself from us? What did he have to gain? Did my dad know? And why the hell had I not figured it out sooner? No wonder I’d been so confused, letting him slide under my defenses. He’d been hiding his very essence from me.
    I jumped as the door swung open, silently bracing myself. I was just on edge, the strain of the day getting to me.
    Angel’s silhouette filled the doorway, his face hidden in shadow. He stood there, silent.
    My pulse started to race. Despite myself and my earlier convictions, I took a step forward. It was like an invisible rope connected us, pulling me forward. I stopped short, pinning my feet to the floor. “Who are you, really?”
    “You know who I am, Chloe.” His answer was nothing and everything all at once.
    It was also the biggest pile of bullshit I’d ever heard.
    “You’ve got some explaining to do,” I bit out, standing my ground.
    “As do you.” At those three little words my heart skipped a beat, free-falling into my stomach with a thud. What did he mean? Did he know?
    “Walk with me.” With that command, he turned and walked away, not stopping to make sure I followed.
    Grumbling under my breath, I did as he asked, following him out into the sunlight and across the courtyard. He struck out in a straight line, heading toward the forest, his long legs eating up the ground and forcing me to jog to keep up.
    Upon reaching the forest edge, I grabbed his arm and wrenched him around. Deja vu much? “Why…no, how did you do it?” I’d had it up to

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