Sensitive ~ Paranormal Erotica
    I could feel a man on
either side of me, forcing my hands behind my back with
synchronized movements. Another of them tightly wrapped his arms
around my legs. SHIT! I struggled against them as they lifted me
    I couldn’t tell where I was, but I knew they
hadn’t gotten me inside their vehicle yet because I could still
feel the hot sun through my clothes. The grips under my arms
shifted and I managed to pitch my elbow outward, hoping to hit one
of them in a sensitive area.
    Instead, it cracked against unforgiving
metal. Intense pain jolted through my arm and I cried out.
    “ Damn it,” a male voice
muttered. They were lifting me inside the vehicle. Scream, you idiot! But I
couldn’t make a sound as my body spasmed with agony.
    I wanted to cradle my arm, curl in a ball
and cry, but my arms were forced apart. I heard the car door slam
shut and felt the vehicle start to move. They pushed me onto a
cushioned seat. I was afraid they were about to take advantage of
me. Sure the next hand I felt would be on an inappropriate place, I
violently kicked my legs and tried to jerk my arms out of their
holds. But when I moved my right arm, the shock of pain went
through my body again. I cried out through my cringing chest.
    “ Easy,” a man stated ahead
of me. A solid part of his body pushed against my lap, making me
sit flush against the seat. I felt a strap or belt over my waist.
My legs were pinned to a cushion by the floorboard. A strap
tightened over them, below the knee.
    A man sat to my left, firmly holding down my
arm and shoulder against the seat. The man to my right held my
shoulder in the same place, but gingerly supported my injured arm
on top of his. His hand lightly gripped my bicep, should I try to
free myself again.
    But I didn’t. I was completely immobilized,
and stopped struggling. When I stilled, I could feel the vehicle
moving, but I couldn’t tell the speed or direction. Those movies
where the abductee memorizes turns and stops to know where they are
taken were bull shit.
    My gut cramped and my head swam. The man
atop me shifted, moving his legs to either side of mine, straddling
my lap. I felt like I was going to throw up, or pass out, but I
didn’t try to stop it.
    The cloth lifted from my head and I was able
to breathe easier. A bright red light flickered over my eye and I
squinted. The man lowered a silver screen from my view. I blinked
to focus my eyes, trying to see past the pounding headache.
    The man just two feet from my face seemed at
first to be someone I recognized. His long black hair was pulled
back and tied. I probably thought I recognized him because he had a
movie star face, symmetrical and proportional features, perhaps
with a small percentage of Native American in his blood. His eyes
were intense. Though he looked to be in his thirties, like me, I
felt like I was a child under his gaze. I felt butterflies in my
    He looked away, moving his hand to my
shoulder. The spell passed and I remembered where I was. I felt my
lips quivering. I pressed them together, watching the stranger lift
his palm to my neck.
    “ This will sting a
moment.” His voice sent shivers down my back, but not of fear. He
pressed something cold and metal on the curve of my neck. There was
a circular pang against my skin and I cringed. It lasted only a
second, then was replaced by a dull throbbing.
    I was worried the thing drugged me.
“Identity confirmed,” a computerized voice rang from the screen in
his hand. The man’s sharp eyes met mine again.
    “ Hello, Miya.”
    His smooth tone speaking my name made a warm
sensation tingle across the surface of my body.
    A hundred questions ran
through my head, wanting to be spoken. How
do they know who I am? Who are they? What do they want with me? I
was a single, working-class associate professor with department
store clothes. Surely they didn’t think they would get much of a
ransom for me. The expression on the man’s
face held me, and my

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