Sensitive ~ Paranormal Erotica
Borderline personality
    I checked my watch. 9:14.
In a few minutes the halls and parking lot would be crowded with a
rush of students going to their next class or leaving
campus. Great. I
usually could control my agoraphobia, but today the thought of
elbowing through talkative college students made me
    Relieved, I climbed the short set of stairs
to the last parking lot, my eyes on the victorian style building at
the top of the hill.
    I was almost there, but my
feet stopped moving. From my right I saw a dark vehicle circling
the lot. I shook my head. Good luck
finding a parking place here.
    I willfully lifted my foot from the
pavement, but stopped again when the boxy vehicle turned my way.
The vehicle was too long to park here anyway. It was a black hummer
with an extra window between the front and passenger doors. What
was it doing here?
    I felt faint when the vehicle slowed to a
stop in front of me, and the moistness pressing against my panties
tingled. The hummer had a government feel to it. The body wasn’t
decorated with chrome accessories, the tires were grooved with mud
grips, but weren’t over-the-top huge. My breath caught in my throat
when the driver’s window electronically rolled down. I was utterly
alone in the parking lot. If the driver had bad intentions...
    Stop being paranoid.
    “ Excuse me,” the driver
stated. The absence of “ma’am” and his nondescript accent suggested
he wasn’t from the south. That didn’t surprise me, since the
university attracted people from a variety of places. What made me
nervous was his hair and clothing. His blond hair was buzz shaved
and his skin was tone and tan. He wore a plain, new looking black
t-shirt. Military. Though the windows of the hummer were pitch black, I had the
sense he wasn’t the only one in the vehicle.
    My spine prickled. I had a strong urge to
run around the vehicle toward the safety of the buildings.
Etiquette, however, dictated I respond.
    “ Yes?” my voice shook.
Being out of breath and about to have a heat stroke didn’t help me
sound collected.
    “ We’ve gotten turned
around. Can you direct us back to Highway 110?”
    And you ended up
here? My nerves were on fire. Something
was wrong. I tried to swallow but my throat was too
    He had said “we”, so it
wasn’t rude for me to move at a different angle to see the
passenger. The man in the passenger seat didn’t look up from the
flat screen tablet on his lap. He had brown hair cut in a similar
style, maybe slightly older, and a similar black shirt. No, the
exact same shirt. Holy crap.
    My body was shaking when I started to answer
him. “You have to go back out to the street and take a right.” I
gestured toward the entrance of the parking lot, but as I did I saw
the hummer’s back door opening.
    Shit! Figures rushed out of the door like a swat team. Something
primal kicked in and I transformed from a deer caught in the
headlights to one running away from a predator. I lunged forward,
my only thought to get away from these men, whatever they were
    I was about to round the bumper of the
hummer when a strong hand grabbed my arm. My eyes scanned the
parking lot as I spun around, but no one was out there to help me.
I swung at my captor with my purse but my wrist was caught before I
hit anything. For a moment I thought I was dead. I looked around
for a gun, but none of them held one. There were three men, all in
black shirts. I didn’t have time to notice anything else about them
when a black cloth wrapped around my face.
    They started to drag me back toward the rear
of the hummer. My boots skidded against the pavement. They didn’t
hurt me, but their grips were tight on my arms. I angled my legs
and pushed down my feet to halt them. If I could delay them long
enough someone would have to see I was being abducted. I clenched
my hands together in front of my chest and jerked my body back and
forth. Growing up with three brothers had taught me a

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