Senn (A Cocky Cage Fighter Novel Book 5)

Senn (A Cocky Cage Fighter Novel Book 5) by Lane Hart Page A

Book: Senn (A Cocky Cage Fighter Novel Book 5) by Lane Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lane Hart
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wrong. He wants you. He’s already fucked you with an audience. And I’m guessing he would love a chance to claim you in front of me.”
    “Claim me?” I screech, and I grab my stomach when there’s another shift inside. “She moved again.”
    “I bet she hears you better when you raise your voice,” Luke says with a smile.
    “Maybe so,” I agree.
    “Now, can we start planning your seduction of Senn?” he asks, and I slap him in the chest playfully.
    “You’re out of your young, dirty mind,” I tell him. “He hates me.”
    “No, he doesn’t. Just give the big man a chance. You’ll only live this life once, right?” he asks.
    His words only serve to remind me that my own personal doomsday clock is definitely ticking louder than ever. Am I scared of death? No. I’m absolutely terrified. But mostly I’m just sad because of everything I’ll miss. I pray to God that I’ll make it through the pregnancy, but like Fall Out Boy said, I may as well let the good times roll just in case it’s my time to go.

Chapter Eleven
    It takes me three days holed up in my house before I can go back to Havoc . I’m only going today because I’ve got a fight coming up in a month and I need to be ready if I want to keep moving down in the world rankings. At least Linc is out of town with Jude, who’s getting ready to try to take his brother Jax’s middleweight title up in Virginia.
    I’m still pissed at Linc and Abby, but I’m also angry at myself for being the one to cause all this shit. If I hadn’t slept with her that night, that one single fucking time, she wouldn’t be pregnant. Instead, she would be doing chemo or whatever else to beat the cancer rather than risking her own life…
    Damn it. I want to pick the tiny woman up and shake some sense into her. Then, I want to throw her down and fuck her, as messed up as that is knowing she’s…
    Since it’s raining out, I shove my ear buds in and blast loud, angry music when I jump on one of the empty treadmills. None of the other fighters or coaches in the gym meet my eyes, like they’re afraid I might Hulk out on them if I catch them looking at me. Fine with me. I turn up the speed on the machine to push myself to run faster.
    Grateful that DMX is too loud for me to think, I’m in my own little world of training to kick ass in the cage…or I was, until she walked in. What in the holy fuck is she wearing? In a short, black dress, the crisscrossing cups only hold approximately one quarter of her luscious, creamy tits that are standing out like spotlights in the darkness. The way the dress flows loosely, you can barely tell there’s a baby bump underneath. It’s so short her thigh gap is showing, and it’s wide enough for my cock…my cock that is lengthening in my sweats. If I don’t think of something else soon, I’ll be erecting a tent. Remembering that she’ll likely die within a few months takes the air right out of my sails. She sure as fuck doesn’t look sick.
    I assume she’s here for Linc and doesn’t know he’s out of town. She’s probably hoping to make plans and shit for the future with him. Instead of heading to his office, her eyes rake over the fighters working out at the various stations before they land on me. How can a woman so small just look at me and that’s all it takes to instantly feel like I’m about three feet tall? When she starts walking toward me, I mutter a curse and turn down the machine to a walking pace to catch my breath. I don’t know what there is to say to her, and with her titties out, I’ll be lucky if I can remember my own damn name or hear a word she says.
    “We need to talk,” she says when she’s only a foot away. From up on the inclined treadmill I can see right down into her cleavage, even better than usual. Did she ask me a question? No, I’m pretty sure it was a statement. Something about talking.
    “Um, okay?” I prompt to request more information.
    “Do you wanna come over later?” she

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