Sekhmet's Curse (Pearl Vampire Chronicles)

Sekhmet's Curse (Pearl Vampire Chronicles) by Dara Nelson

Book: Sekhmet's Curse (Pearl Vampire Chronicles) by Dara Nelson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dara Nelson
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you just try to hide it. ”
    “I know.  That’s why I knew I’d never be able to stay away from you forever.  You’re too, ummm, infectious.  Yeah, I think infectious is the right word. ”
    “I’m too damn sexy and you know it,” he whispered as his fang brushed against my ear, making me shiver.   “Okay, I’ll admit it.  You’re too damn sexy.  But I need to get back and check on Jason and you need to get to the clinic to get that arm set.”
    “Shit, I completely forgot about the arm.  You are one tough-assed broad, you know that?  No one, not even Matt , has been able to beat me in a fight, but you sure as hell did.  It’s embarrassing as hell to admit it, but you definitely kicked my ass , woman .  Oh, and that reminds me.  That thing you did with the cartwheels.  You know, when you cart wheeled over to me and wrapped me in a leg-lock.  Do you think you can do that again sometime , w hen you’re naked?”
    I laughed and turned around, wrapping my arms around his neck, “Oh absolutely,” I said as I kissed him.  I helped him climb out of the water then I used my t-shirt to dry us off.  Since I had nothing else to wear, I had to pull on the wet shirt.  I smiled at the goofy Carlos grin that followed.  I helped him pull his pants on, chuckling at how difficult it became because he was getting aroused again .  “Stop,” he blushed, “I can’t help it.  That’s what you do to me.”
    I patted his belly, “You do the same thing to me, but it’s just not as easy to tell.” 
    “Sometimes it is,” he said as he winked and gently tweaked my nipple that was poking into my shirt.
    I laughed as I took his hand in mine and we started heading down the mountain towards home.  As we reached the outside wall of the compound , Carlos stopped me.  “Maria, Sarah , w hat are we going to do about her?”
    “Well , w e’re going to find her.  And then I’m going to talk to her.” I said.
    “You?   Why you?  Shouldn’t it be me?  Or us?”
    I shook my head, “Not at first.  Look, Carlos.  She’s mad at me.  She blames me.  As a woman, I know what she’s feeling.  She thinks that I get everything I want.  She thinks that I decided that one man wasn’t enough for me.  She thinks I went after you, that I stole you from her.  That’s why I have to talk to her.  I have to convince her of the truth.  That we had this building long before we ever met her , t hat this ha d absolutely nothing to do with her , a nd that I’m sorry that I hurt her.”
    “And then?”
    “And then she has to un-do the damage she’s done.”
“ She does?  Why her?”
    “Because she’s going to feel guilty about what she’s done, and this will be the only way for her to get over that.”
    “But, what about punishment?”
    “Her guilt will be punishment enough.  Trust me.”
    “I do.  I trust you completely Mrs. Delgado.”
    I kissed his cheek as I wrapped my arm around him and we floated up and over the wall.  We ran into Matt who was standing in the hall just outside of our room, “Hey there.  I was starting to get a little worried.  Everything okay?” he said.
    “Well.  Other than the fact that my ego is bruised because she kicked my ass, everything’s fine,” Carlos mumbled .
    Matt’s eyebrows shot up, then he grinned at me, “You?  You kicked his ass?”
    “Stop , b oth of you.  I feel bad.  I broke his arm.”
    Matt wrapped me in his arms and kissed my forehead, “You animal.”
    “Yes she is.  I need to go see Doc Cameron.  I’ll be back in a bit.”
    I turned and wrapped my arms around him, “You sure you’re okay now?  You’re not going to go do something stupid?”
    He chuckled and kissed the top of my head, “Well, I wouldn’t go so far as to say I’m not going to do something stupid.  This is me we’re talking about.  But yes, I’m okay now.  And I’m not going to do anything without you.  Okay?”
    “I’m so sorry I broke your arm,

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