See Megan Run
shop gave you inspiration.
It’s such a good thing that one of our own made good. Is that why
you left?"
    "Subtle" probably wasn’t in Lettie’s
vocabulary. Why not get the whole sordid story, since all parties
were present, she must be figuring.
    Aiden straightened. "Either way, she made a
success. I’m going to let you guys handle business."
    "No, don’t leave yet." Nicole reached for
Aiden’s arm. "I want to talk to you about coordinating your uncle’s
bachelor party. I think we’re too old for strippers, so we should
have our parties together."
    Aiden’s smile widened. "Well, I don’t know. I
was kind of looking forward to having a half-naked woman jumping
out of a cake." He frowned. "Shep doesn’t have heart problems. I
think it’ll be safe."
    Nicole laughed, but Megan’s eyes
    "Dear, do you want me to take the flowers out
of the vase?" Lettie asked.
    "No, and let me pay for it."
    "Aiden has already," Lettie pointed out.
    "Matter of fact, shouldn’t Megan and I be
planning those parties?" Aiden’s smile turned into a smirk. "It’s
the best man’s and the maiden of honor’s responsibility."
    Not that she was completely against the idea,
but this meant being around him. Alone. "I don’t think Shep would
go for the idea of having a joint party. He is a man, after all.
What man wouldn’t like for a naked woman to jump out of a
    Aiden placed his hand over his heart. "Ouch.
So if it has a penis..."
    Lettie’s eyes widened. Megan reached for her
vase, splashing water on the counter. "Yes, okay, fine."
    "Good." Nicole said. "Speaking of Shep, I’m
supposed to meet him for lunch." They followed Nicole out of the
shop. "We have to get him a suit." She waved them goodbye and Megan
stared after her mother in wonder.
    "Does no one know ‘subtle’ here?" Megan
clutched the vase to her chest.
    "Most people find it tedious." He frowned at
her. "Do you want me to hold that for you?"
    "I’m fine." Megan wasn’t going to touch him.
She’d keep this impromptu meeting casual. She would not think about
sex with him. He licked his lips and Megan watched his tongue peek
out, wishing, wanting, his tongue to touch her in the same way.
"Really, I’m fine."
    She turned to go to her car and then
remembered her mother had brought her. Megan sighed, partially
accepting her circumstances. Doomed. "I’m not sure how to plan a
bachelorette party," she muttered, turning back to Aiden.
    "It’s easy. You think of what finger foods
you want, and then make a five-mile-long list of alcoholic
    "So, get everyone liquored up by letting them
eat just a little and drink on near-empty stomachs. Got it. Now,
can you take me home?"
    "Home, now?"
    She knew he was asking about her word choice.
"Yes, I’m trying to get used to how it will feel if my mother gives
it to me."
    "She said she would."
    The same argument Nicole had stated, but call
Megan cautious and not hopeful. She readjusted the vase. "We’ll
    He nodded. "Do you want to sleep with
    Aiden had the vase before Megan could think
to catch it. "Where did that come from?"
    "The drool on the side of your mouth when you
watched me lick my lips." Aiden shrugged and kept the pace of their
slow walk. Megan had no idea where they were going, but she was
sure half the town would know when they left downtown. She rolled
her shoulders at the uncomfortable feeling of being watched. Though
she couldn’t see anyone looking directly at them, Megan knew her
hometown. At least five people could read lips a mile away, and
after his comment those five people would tell five more people
that they were headed to Aiden’s secret place for a rendezvous.
    "Aren’t you arrogant?"
    Aiden stopped and moved in front of her. He
leaned in close to her ear and said, "You’re curious." He took her
lobe into his mouth, doing things with tongue and teeth that proved
him right. She was curious. He laid a kiss on her neck, then said,
"Your curiosity is going to bite you in

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