Seductress Seduced (The Embassy Book 4)
Seductress Seduced

    Sex makes the world go round and round.
    Sure, there have always been people who were delusional enough to say that it’s because of money, or power; that war is the father of all things. But just look at the reasons for why they require all that dough and feel the need to throw their weight around. Why the Greeks sailed across the Aegean to raze Troy to the ground. Not that I was there—I’m old, but not that old. Even if sometimes I feel it, when I look at the world nowadays. Back when I was still part of this mortal coil, sex was everything, and things haven’t changed one bit.
    But maybe I’m biased. More than two thousand years of fucking can limit your perspective. Sometimes I start to wonder if it’s something else, maybe—compassion, love, whatever makes humans human —but a good look around usually discourages me from harboring such silly notions.
    That—or something very close—ran through my mind as I stalked out of Emily Taylor’s office. The girl was practically teeming with sexual energy, and I didn’t dare linger much longer than to inform her, in no uncertain terms, that she’d have need of me before the end of the week. Normally not one to screw around, the sudden change in her had taken me aback for a moment. Good for her, if you asked me; she’d gone way too long denying herself what earthly pleasures she sold to her clients day by day.
    As usual, her perky assistant was only too happy to give me a snack for the road. Even distracted by the need to converse with her employer, she smiled up at where I remained perched on the edge of her desk until I felt the soft whiff of need turn to more serious registers. That was, as usual, my hint to beat it, which I did presently, after enjoying the girl’s steep blush on a much less visceral level. Too bad that Emily had something against me seducing the girl, but I could understand that training someone new would have been too bothersome when compared to letting me have my way with her. Worked up as she got by my mere presence, chances were good that she’d have given all of herself to me, and we all knew how that ended. Catatonia, suicide, rehab, whatnot.  
    Outside, the city’s nightlife was only too happy to embrace me. Times had been a little rough during the 1700s, but of late, even a small hicktown in the middle of nowhere was a lush feeding ground for succubi. Your average 21st century city? An all-you-can-eat buffet.
    It had been more than a week since I’d fed properly, long enough to make me linger in a bar or two, but not enough to kick my hunting drive into gear. The fact that it was a weeknight, and there weren’t troves of horny college boys—and girls—out on the town, helped; in a pinch, I would have fed on the average alcoholic, but why put up with the smell and the whining afterward? And suffering through the same old pick-up lines that were as unnecessary as they would have been successful had I not been what I was, got worse with every decade that went by.  
    Really, who did they think I was? I knew that I was strikingly beautiful, their wet dreams come true; why sully that with hints at sexual prowess that they could never live up to?
    So instead of continuing to prowl the night, I sank into the warm comfort of a bubble bath at home, and enjoyed a glass of wine with my latest romance novel. When sex is your job, a little hilarity on the side is required sometimes.

    The call I’d been waiting for came earlier than I’d expected. Knowing Emily, I’d figured that she would hold out on me—and the lucky future recipient of my attention—a little longer, but the sun had barely hit the zenith when my phone rang.
    “Told you that you’d call me,” I purred into the modern day gimmick that was as entertaining as it was useless. I could have just walked over to the Embassy straight away instead of relying on such knick-knacks.
    “You did,” Emily confirmed, surprisingly relaxed.
    “When and

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