Seduction’s Canvas (Crimson Romance)

Seduction’s Canvas (Crimson Romance) by K.M. Jackson

Book: Seduction’s Canvas (Crimson Romance) by K.M. Jackson Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.M. Jackson
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
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that’s what her body language told Sam, but then she began to move toward the man again, giving chase. “Don’t do it,” Sam said softly. “Don’t ever beg.” Sam swallowed the lump in her throat as she watched the girl go behind the young man and wrap her arms around him again. This time he turned and took her in his arms. Sam looked down.
    “That’s beautiful.”
    Sam glanced up. It was an older woman, maybe in her seventies, hair, a bright candy apple red only a bottle could achieve and face, pale and deeply lined, but all made up like church on Sunday. She wore a navy tracksuit that had a silk red poppy pinned to the right breast that matched her hair perfectly. Sam couldn’t tell if the woman was dressed for tea or working out.
    “I said your work is beautiful.” She squinted at Sam’s page and then back out toward the boats. “If not a little dark. You do like to hang in the shadows, don’t you?” The woman gave her a crinkled smile.
    Sam looked down and blinked. The woman was right. She had started out so light, but as per her usual she had once again stayed overly long in the shadows and what had started as a sunny day scene now almost looked like it was full on night.
    Instinct told Sam not to get upset. This is what happens when you work outside. You invite in all sorts of criticisms. Besides, the woman was right — and maybe not just about the sketch. Sam shrugged. “I guess I do. I tend to get heavy handed.”
    The old woman laughed at that. “Don’t we all at times, dear?”
    It was then that there was a small cough from over the woman’s shoulder. The older woman rolled her eyes and Sam looked to see that she had a health companion with her. “I’d better be off. Seems my break is almost up. I will look for you another day.”
    Sam smiled wistfully as she looked back to the boats. The couple was gone. She let out a breath. Maybe they had gone back under to their cabin. Sam let out a breath and sent out a silent wish for the young woman inside, too many memories flooding back to her mind.
    She started to pack her things back in her tote when her phone rang.
    “Are you going to fill me in?”
    “Fill you in on what?” Gabby always seemed to start conversations as if they were already in progress.
    “On what’s going on with you and that new hot neighbor of course. Don’t go acting like you don’t know what I’m talking about. You’ve had more than enough time to assess the situation and get back to me with the details and still, over eighteen hours later, nothing. I’m losing it over here. You know, like the rest of New York, I practically live through you. Except for with me, I want the real deal and not that trash they print in the tabloids.”
    Sam couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped. From anyone else, the mention of the tabloids and the exploitation of the rest of the world would hurt, but from Gabby it was cool. She was her friend, there for her when no one else was. A true sanctuary, always having her back and guarding her closest secrets. When it all went down on The Island, Gabby was her shoulder to cry on. Any time of day or night. Even letting her hide out with her and her roommate, Steven, uptown when the pressure got to be too much. Steven put her back together with fun talk and margaritas while Gabby gave her the real talk she needed to get back in the game. The latter was something her therapist would later identify as a crutch. Oh well, it didn’t matter to her. It was all love. And something she would never forget.
    “So, the guy.”
    Sam rolled her eyes to the now low and heavy sun. “There’s nothing to tell.”
    “Oh please, you’re so full of it. I got to thinking and you know my gut doesn’t steer me wrong.”
    “Oh really?”
    “Well, it doesn’t steer me wrong when it comes to other people and men. Now hush. We’re not talking about me. And the more I replayed things in my mind, the more I got a vibe.”

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