Seduced by Wolves
    Zane narrowed his focus to Aden alone,
blocking out the growls and grunts of the fight Cory immersed
himself in behind him. There was no room for distraction, no place
for emotion in the hunt. He circled the dirty rogue, his wolf
itching to be let loose to end this. “Then bring it on,
    Aden swiped first, not throwing a punch
like expected but rather sinking his claws into the flesh of his
forearm and shoving him sideways. Growling against the numbing pain
shooting through his tendons, he sidestepped the next swipe,
ducking beneath claws and fists and swinging his leg out to buckle
his opponents.
    Aden rolled before he could strike on
the ground, his claws hitting concrete. Zane turned as Aden lunged
having just enough time to sink his claws into the other man’s arms
and roll backwards to toss him to the ground behind him. Spinning
with practiced precision, he easily pinned the man’s claws with a
steel-toed boot and hand and used his free hand to grip Aden’s
    The rogue was as good as
    “What the hell were you hoping to gain
by killing those women, Aden?”
    Aden’s eyes glowed a disgusting red as
he smiled despite the pressure Zane exerted on his air pipe. Zane
needed to know if it was just a personal vendetta against his
sexual orientation or if it extended somehow deeper. Would the
threat to his Pack’s safety die with the sick ass crushed beneath
    Aden snarled from the ground,
struggling to free his hand. “Even if you kill me, another will
rise up. Mark my words the Pack is sick of following your
    Zane released his pressure on Aden’s
hand and the rogue rolled from beneath him. Fury over this personal
grudge surged through him, and he kicked out, connecting with
Aden’s side and throwing him another few feet on the
    “If the Pack had issues, they’d take it
up with me. The torturing of innocents is unconnected.” Bending
over, he grabbed Aden by the shirt collar lifting him from the
ground and let his claws sink into the flesh of his chest like he
so warmly did him moments earlier.
    “Bloody hell!”
    He stiffened at Cory’s voice, unable to
see the fray behind him and frustrated as hell for it. In the
second it took him to override the fear gripping him, Aden tore a
hand free and sunk his claws into his side.
    “Looks like lover boy is about to get
the punishment he deserves.”
    Zane maintained his hold on the weaker
wolf, the overwhelming scent of coppery blood and another string of
Cory’s curses, seizing his franticly beating heart.
    “I love my Pack, would fight and die to
keep them safe. That includes my mates, whatever sex they happen to
be. It’s time you realize, alternative lifestyle or not, I’m still
this Pack’s Alpha.”
    With a smooth snap of his muscles, he
twisted Aden’s neck, dropping him the second the life drained from
the bastard’s eyes. The fight was almost too easy.
    He turned. Saw the carnage Cory had
wreaked to give him a fair fight.
    Then he saw his partner, his life mate
and his beast came roaring to the front of his mind. Cory lay on
the ground with a fully shifted wolf on top of him, blood pooling
on the damp concrete around them. Zane shifted in a flash of white
and charged the snarling animal. He’d hunted as wolf many times, as
comfortable with his ability to strike and kill in animal form as
he was snapping necks as a human. The killing bite took only
seconds to deliver and a quick scan showed Cory had already
disposed of the other four.
    Rushing back to Cory’s side, he howled
at the sight of blood pouring from his lover’s neck. The eyes that
returned his gaze were dull, full of pain. Shifting back he knelt
beside him, pressing his hands to stop the flow of thick, red
blood. His hands shook with the shock of seeing this nightmare come
to life.
    “Dammit, Cory.”
    He lifted Cory’s trembling, cold hand
to his neck until he could apply pressure to the wound. Naked from
the shift, Zane tore the cloth

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