Seduced By The White Tiger (IR Paranormal Shifter Romance BWWM)

Seduced By The White Tiger (IR Paranormal Shifter Romance BWWM) by JJ Jones Page A

Book: Seduced By The White Tiger (IR Paranormal Shifter Romance BWWM) by JJ Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: JJ Jones
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    “No, it’s nothing like that. I’m just trying to get out of this. I’m not built for ambassadorial work.” She joked with the dispatcher, laughing lightly. “I’ll call them myself. You don’t have to worry about it.” Her answer came as a sigh; she was already sensing doom on the horizon, a bad experience just waiting to happen at this point. It would be getting off of the plane in just a few minutes.
    “I’m sorry you have to do this, Dom. We just don’t really have the manpower right now. Not everyone has gotten back from the mission in Massachusetts, yet. This thing has everyone on the edge. The shifters are constantly trying to fight each other. To be honest, from what I’ve heard about this guy, I would like to meet him. He sounds pretty hot.” The woman was referring to the recent fight with that vampire family that had everyone on edge for a while. Dom hadn’t been involved in that fight because vampires weren’t her specialty, but she had to cover for all of the people that were gone to help solve those problems.
    “What’s a tiger going to do to stop a war between wolves and coyotes?” Dom’s voice was unsure of the solidity of the plan. She had heard some stories about this guy who apparently was a pretty accomplished diplomat with a taste for the ladies.
    “His nobility. Shifters all over the world look up to him and he’s helped a lot of groups settle their differences.” The woman’s voice held a little pity in it.
    “I’m not sure if anyone can settle these guys’ differences. It’s like they want to fight.” Dom’s point was valid, but she, like everyone else in her organization, knew that they had to do something. If fighting broke out it would be devastating to the entire community. Entire neighborhoods of innocent people would be taken over by battlefields of shifters. Shifters did not fight nicely; they were very capable of taking out large tracts of land and destroying them in the course of a fight. It would be even worse with two opposing factions of shifters clashing on the streets of a border town. It would probably affect the human tensions between the companies, the government and the cartels that existed in the area.
    The woman on the other end of the phone agreed with Dom’s observation. “I got to go. I have to keep all of the lines open in case the shifters get out of control again.”
    “I’ll see you at the potluck later this week, Mattie.” Dom told the dispatcher. In her mind, she could see the happy woman’s face. She wasn’t the kind of person you would expect in her line of work; she was a tiny Hispanic woman in her fifties. Someone who looked like a grandmother and made the best homemade burritos in the world, it was worth going to the potlucks just to get whatever she was cooking. Every time they met at the office for a potluck she would make a larger batch than before and it would always end up being the first thing gone.
    Touching the End Call button on her top of the range cell phone she went through a list of contacts, preparing a list of people to quickly send texts to. Taking a moment, she made sure to phrase them in a particularly clear and coded manner, meant only for the recipients. “Will you be able to pick up the cat today?” The question was vague enough to look like a pet sitting job or an invitation to get a kitten to the uninformed, but it meant something different to people in her line of work. She hoped against hope that someone had suddenly found themselves free. In the back of her mind, she knew that she just wasn’t going to be that lucky, but it was worth a try.
    The responses started to arrive one after another. “Nope, sorry, have other things going on down here. The shifters are starting to get a little crazy.” The first response was disheartening. She didn’t like to get her hopes up, but she had. From the rumors about this guy, he was incredibly handsome and the type of

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