Seduced by the Storm
he did not want to have to pull out this card, to have to seduce any
man—this man in particular—but when his back was up, and firmly against the
wall, he’d do what he needed to do to survive.
drew in a deep breath and took a step toward Sean. "Can I be honest with
you?" he started, letting the familiar tickling begin at his feet and
travel up between his legs and outward at a much faster pace than he’d normally
allow. He’d need a cloud of the mojo to release fast and furious, a pheromone
promise that Sean wouldn’t be able to resist.
can’t guarantee that I’ll reward honesty," Sean said, but his hand dropped
from the button. Wyatt watched him shift his feet and throw his shoulders back,
posturing, and yeah, this was working.
pulled that stunt for you." Wyatt hadn’t made a move, feeling the
vibrations in the air between him and Sean, and shit, he needed a plan for
after this plan.
me?" Sean cocked his head and smiled, his eyelids heavier than they’d
Wyatt shrugged, sucked his bottom lip in and saw the hunger in Sean’s eyes,
could nearly read the man’s mind. Men were so fucking easy, much easier than
women. "I can’t ever seem to get you…alone. Can’t seem to get your
attention. I figured, maybe, if I impressed you, I could."
would you need to get me alone for?" Sean asked, his tone lighter,
teasing, and Wyatt noted that the man had taken several long strides to close
the distance between them. He was seriously buying Wyatt’s cheesy bullshit.
had let out extra pheromones on Sean and maybe, just maybe, this was going to
backfire badly. But if he could get the guy so turned on he couldn’t think
straight, Wyatt could escape and leave Sean a panting but memoryless mess on
the floor.
maybe he’d have to go all the way.
about I tell you—no, I’ll show you. Once you switch off the security cameras
and close the door," Wyatt suggested.
were inches apart, Sean’s breathing quicker than it had been seconds before,
the change no longer subtle as his body leaned in toward Wyatt’s as he spoke.
don’t you shut the door? Perhaps there’s something we can work out that
would be mutually acceptable for both of us." Sean’s voice was low, husky,
with more than a hint of suggestion bleeding through the proper British façade
as he flipped open the security panel on the desk and paused the cameras.
space—space in general—was at a premium, enabling Wyatt to shut the door
quickly and move back into position in front of Sean within seconds.
did you have in mind, Mr. Stowe?"
things, Wyatt. I wish you’d come to me sooner about this. Why did you
last I looked, I was just a lowly roughneck."
I looked, you were much more than that." Sean’s hand hooked the back of Wyatt’s
neck, caressed it with a lover’s touch before attempting to pull Wyatt’s mouth
toward his.
would be so easy, too easy, to kill Sean now, to snap his neck like a dried
twig. But killing him now was the surest way to death—although the other option
sucked dick as well. Literally.
hell, this was going to be more interesting than he’d anticipated.
one of these days your pheromones are going to get you into big trouble—use
them wisely, Sam, one of ACRO’s top
psychics, had told him just a few months ago. Of course, that’s when she’d been
in his lap.
been trying to figure out if there was a way someone could actually put up a
barrier against it. She’d had no luck at all in that department.
hadn’t let go of Wyatt’s neck and now his gaze—and his hand—traveled down
between Wyatt’s legs.
Sean began to kiss Wyatt’s neck, Wyatt wondered just how far he was going to
let this go.
will save your ass.
would eventually get him killed. All of it. Killing with his bare hands was a
skill he had, and one he used often enough, but it wasn’t going to be

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