Seduced By The Son Of A Succubus (m/m paranormal)

Seduced By The Son Of A Succubus (m/m paranormal) by Violet Jessamy

Book: Seduced By The Son Of A Succubus (m/m paranormal) by Violet Jessamy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Violet Jessamy
Seduced By The Son Of A Succubus
    by Violet Jessamy
    Copyright 2012 Violet Jessamy
    Kindle Edition
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    “This,” Milo said, “is the worst idea ever.”
    “It’s a great idea,” Thomas insisted. “This is going to be awesome!”
    “Yeah.” Milo rolled his eyes, stopping in the middle of the long stairs they were going down. “Super awesome. Especially the part where they tear me apart when they find out who I am.”
    “There’s no reason they would figure it out,” Thomas insisted. “Your dad…”
    Milo hissed a warning, and Thomas fell silent. They were already courting disaster by walking into this place. There was no need to announce things that might get them killed right upon entering.
    A woman clad provocatively in red came walking up the stairs, followed by a man wearing black. Milo and Thomas, remaining silent, stepped aside to make room for them to pass.
    The man flung out his hand as he passed, brushing it against Milo’s in a gesture that he knew to be deliberate, however accidental it might have looked. He shivered at the touch of cold skin. Unsettling cold blue eyes studied him for a moment, displaying unveiled interest, before the man moved on.
    Milo let out the breath he’d been holding once the couple had vanished from sight.
    His dad would kill him.
    “All I’ve heard,” Thomas picked up the conversation when they got going once more, “is that sleeping with one of them is supposed to be amazing.”
    “It is,” Milo affirmed. “If they manage to keep themselves from sucking too much blood and killing you. Then it’s not so amazing.”
    Thomas’ expression was priceless.
    “Wait, you’ve done this before? How the hell do you know that?”
    Once more, Milo rolled his eyes at his friend.
    “No,” he said, “I obviously haven’t done this before. But I hear things from my dad and his colleagues.”
    “It’s safe,” Thomas insisted again. “They know killing a human gets them into more trouble than it’s worth. They aren’t stupid.”
    “Accidents happen,” Milo replied, but despite his words he followed Thomas through the door at the foot of the stairs.
    Club music assaulted their ears. The place was huge, and packed. Everywhere Milo looked, bodies moved rhythmically to the beat. The air smelled of blood and sweat, but for some reason, the effect was intoxicating rather than nauseating. The dancing strobe lights gave the scene an air of utter chaos.
    “Wow,” Thomas said, his voice barely audible above the blood-pumping music. When he moved to have a closer look, Milo followed his friend, resigned. He didn’t want to be here, but he knew Thomas would manage to get himself into trouble if he wasn’t.
    When he spotted Rogue in the middle of the dance floor, everything seemed to freeze.
    Milo couldn’t breathe. His heart hammered against his ribs. He felt like the floor had been pulled out from underneath him.
    Dark eyes. Long legs. Lithe body.
    Oh god.
    He was certain his heart was being pulled out of his chest. It was an utterly sickening feeling.
    “What’s wrong?” Thomas asked, shouting into Milo’s ear.
    Milo finally managed to tear his gaze away from the man who had broken his heart so thoroughly. He avoided Thomas’ questioning look and tried to remember how to breathe.
    “It’s nothing,” he lied. “Let’s go find something to drink.”
    “Kay,” Thomas said, but gave him yet another thorough look. “But you look like you just saw a ghost.”
    While Thomas ordered

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